Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Social Smiler!!

Between four and five weeks old, Banner flashed his first social smile. Sam and I could see it coming - knowing that he just looked like he wanted to smile! His eyes had a different light to them when we'd kiss on him. One day, it happened - and I missed it! His first social smile was for his daddy. Sam told me about it, though: Sam was kissing Banner's cheeks, one after the other, making a high-pitched humming tune while he did this. The next day, I tried something similar and, lo and behold, I got my first smile from my son! It was beautiful, and since then, we've seen more and more of this happy face as he's gotten the hang of how to show us he's a pleased boy! His smiles come most easily when talking to him, singing to him, or kissing him over and over again while saying, "Mwah!" or "Gotcha!" His best time for smiling is early morning when we sing our morning songs and when he's on the changing table. While he still smiles involuntarily in his sleep, we know the smiles below are real as Banner's eyes light up and his dimples deepen. I'm sure a laugh is headed our way SO soon; just like I knew the smile was coming, there have been numerous times when I know Banner wants so badly to laugh or squeal in delight. I can't wait! In the meantime, I'll take these adorable smiles all I can!

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