Thursday, August 16, 2018

Two & A Half: Knox's Newsletter

Dear Knox,
I've been somewhat dreading the half-way mark of this year. Why? Because the 6 months between 2 and a half and 3 years is pretty monumental around here - a full 6 months of milestones that just keep hitting me in the face. In the next 6 months, we will tackle potty training, saying goodbye to pacifiers, and learning to sleep in a big boy bed. Those are some big turning points - not only for you but for our family. For over 7 years, we've changed diapers, looked for pacifiers, and awaited the stirs and cries of an infant or toddler waking from a nap or first thing in the morning. Soon that phase will end, and we don't have plans to continue that stretch. In some ways those changes are welcome - a pay raise from not having diapers to buy, teeth that won't buck out from a pacifier, and easier travel without worrying about a crib. But, in more ways, they are unwelcome - signifying the end of a long chapter in our life with a baby. You are way more toddler these days, anyway! This half-birthday reminds us that you are right on track with your attitude, your defiance, your insistence on your way, your boundary-testing, and your absolutely amazing conversational skills! You are doing all the right things for your age, which also comes with its benefits and struggles. So, let's dive into those things, shall we?

What ARE you up to these last three months?

-You are fully conversational, using long flowing sentences to tell us what you want, what happened, what you need. You use words like "because" and "actually" appropriately. You use those sentences to say silly things like, "My teacher name is Miss Cecily," with a smile on your face because Cecily is really a friend in your class - NOT the teacher.  You use those sentences to say demanding things like, "Mommy! I talking to YOU!" when I'm not listening or "Quinn, leave me alone. I not want you to play with me," or "Bannah, get out of my space!" (Notice how I have many more examples of the demanding language! Hmm, wonder why!?) You use those sentences to give us information: "Mommy, I go to camp today and I bounce in bounce house. I have fun at camp," or "Wyatt is my friend, and Asher is my friend. We play outside in the house," or "I have chicken for lunch but I no have ketchup ("chechup")." And, my favorite, you use those sentences to tell us about your feelings: "I am ANGRY!!!!" "I frustrated ("fustated")!! I said Leave ME ALONE!" "Mommy, I sad. I no want you to go to work."

-You like to shake people's hands and say, "Nice to meet you!"

-Other favorite expressions: "I want you to hold me," or in the pool, "I want to hold you." "I want to cuddle." "That's not fair." "I missed you." "Goodnight, guys! Brother hug!" And of course, "I love you."

-You are one big ball of emotion some times - and more and more frequently! You get very upset, angry, "fustated," when you don't get your way. You hit us, slap at us, yell loudly at us, and even roar at us. The most common thing you do, though, is throw anything you happen to have in your hand. If you don't have anything in your hand, you look for something near you to throw across the room or down hard on the ground. It's funny in a way, but mostly very obnoxious. Your temper is getting out of hand. I've had to start running over to stop you from chunking some breakable object or something that could do a lot of damage to the floor or anything else in the object's path. It could be because you want my phone and I said no. It could be because Quinn didn't share with you or your turn is over. It could be because you don't like the song that's playing in the car. You are certainly asserting yourself and want what you want when you want it!

-Luckily, those demands don't seem to be made at school, and your teachers tell us you are one of the funniest, sweetest, most friendly kids in the class. Ms. Valerie says she can't imagine these tantrums we tell her about - that you've never hit your friends at school, and you are always smiling and having fun. Ms. Cooper tells us what a delight you are to have in class and how you clap for your friends with a "YAY! We did it!" when you accomplish something with the class.

-I get to see these awesome traits in My Gym classes that we still attend. Last week, we joined the next level class, and the teachers now ask you to listen to their instructions with little help from your "grown up." You have done a great job sitting quietly and listening to directions, taking turns, and following along. You have a sweet heart - always wanting the other kids to be safe and share - but you certainly like to have your space and want things to be just yours, too!

-One of the biggest accomplishments of the last few months is that you now say your /k/ sounds! Milk is no longer "milt." You can actually say "QUINN" instead of "Winn." It just happened one day, when I was overly exaggerating my /k/ sound at the end of milkkkkkk. You started making the gargling sound along with me and from then on you just knew how to produce the sound. This was a relief to me - as teaching that sound at the back of the throat is tricky! But, I do miss hearing "milt" and especially, "otay."

-One of my favorite memories happened last month. You wanted me to sing "Greatest Show," a common request! I sat on the ottoman of your glider, and I leaned forward toward the rocker where you sat by yourself facing me. I held your waist and legs and sang, "It's everything you ever want. It's everything you ever need, and it's here right in front of you," and you smiled. I teared up thinking of your wedding day or your graduation day, all of a sudden - just you already grown up. I thought of when we might be apart and how I'D remember this moment forever - those words, the feeling of having you in my arms, you and me.

-Along those same lines, you like songs at night, and rocking you has become one of my favorite parts of the day. One night, I started singing "Beautiful Boy," ending it with "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Knox." You replied, "Beautiful Mommy!" The next day, you did it again, but then you started singing "Beautiful Bryceeeen, beautiful Nami, beautiful Taden, beautiful Mawa (Mara)...." and naming all the people in our family.

-You LOVE pretend play. You especially love getting behind a counter of any kind (our play kitchen, the wall of a hot tub of a bigger pool, a table) and pretending to take a food order. "What do you want?" We tell you; you pretend to make it; you give it to us; we pretend to pay you - and the whole thing starts all over again. Recently, you've been telling us you don't have that and to "get out of my line!" You told Grandma this last week, and we had images of the Seinfeld Soup Nazi cracking us up through text messages.

-If you could become part of the Yo Gabba Gabba cast, your life would be a complete dream! You adore these characters, and sometimes it's the only thing that settles you down when you're otherwise impatient or upset. Your Gabba buddies make you so happy, and thank goodness for them because they really help us keep you distracted - even if we aren't watching the show. For example, I'll talk about Brobee or Muno while changing your diaper and that helps you lay still for me. Or, I'll sing a Gabba song, and you're immediately more peaceful, joining in with me.

-You also like Daniel Tiger, and man, has that little guy helped me teach you some important lessons. Most importantly, his "Grown Ups Come Back" song did the trick in helping you overcome your separation anxiety at camp this summer and at the gym where Daddy and I have been spending more time. We will be walking into the gym, and you'll say, "I no cry today. Mommy comes back because grown ups come back. Sing it, Mommy!" And I'll sing it with you, and then you feel reassured that you know I'll be back soon.

-I still love that you say "ornange" for orange.

-We said goodbye to "purple paci" this month. "He" was broken, so we had to throw him away, and now you are down to three pacis. You are doing just fine without "him," but you do ask about him every night. "Where's purple paci?... Oh, he broken. Daddy not fix it." And then you are fine. You just have to reassure yourself that's what happened and get cozy with "Green," "Blue," and "Ornange" pacies - and your lovey, of course.

-You wake up around 7:30 usually. Nap around 1:45/2:00-4:00ish. Go to bed around 8:00.

-You love to jump off of anything, and you have a great sense of spacial awareness to get yourself in and out of the tub (which still makes me nervous every time I watch you do this!) or get on and off chairs or in and out of the car.

-Other random things: You like to be read to every night and get upset when we have to skip books if it's too late. You love baths and get pretty pissed if it's a (rare) shower night instead. You're a picky eater these days (love nuggets, grapes, pretzels, yogurt, Booty, chips - but anything else is hit or miss). You are pretty friendly - warming up to strangers fairly easily. You pretty much always have a skinned knee or two at this age. Lots of tripping, bumping into things, not watching where you're going, falling. I feel bad for your poor knees! You blow out candles or blow bubbles with an /f/ sound. You love dressing up like a superhero. You love to dance - which has always been the case! Every pumpkin is still "Halloween." You love your time with Damon and Hayla. If you could go anywhere everyday it would be to Grandma's house or My Gym. You gained quite an appreciation for water play and swimming this summer. You love kolaches - but mostly just the "hot dog" inside.

Knox Morgan, you are a firecracker for sure! These twos are NOT terrible, but you sure do keep us on our toes! You also keep us coming back for more. We couldn't love you more than we do, and we can't wait to see what these next few months will bring. Well, actually, we can. We CAN wait. We can take them slowly and steadily and calmly. We can ease into this new phase. Slow it down, please. Because although the days are long, these years really are so short. Daddy and I are leaving infancy and toddlerhood behind with just as much reluctancy as you are running toward preschool-hood with confidence. So go slowly and gently, Baby Love.

Happy Half-Birthday, Knoxi!
Love, Mommy

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Camp Mommy 2018

Five whole years ago, I started (what would become) my annual Camp Mommy schedules with Banner. During the summers, we try our best to get out and try new things, go on new adventures, learn and grow, and lift our boys onto the next level in many ways. I remember Banner's first summer of "Camp Mommy," I wanted so badly to be the first person to teach him things before his official first day of school that fall. I wanted to show him how to cut, to teach him to glue, to watch him with paint for the first time, etc. As my boys' first teacher, I truly enjoy being the one to help set them up for success in school and in life - as most moms would. And taking them to experience new places and new ideas is the highlight of my summer. I know I'm weird that I love creating their summer calendars months in advance, and at the conclusion of each May, I am giddy with excitement as the school year ends and our summer adventures can begin! I work hard on these calendars for them of course, but mostly, to keep a sense of structure for my anxious self who can feel the summer slipping away long before it has even begun. I need to know I'm making the most of these fast weeks!

This year was no exception, but it was the first year I truly enjoyed my OWN time. When I say this summer was truly a Camp MOMMY, it really was. It was MY time three mornings a week, and I used them so wisely. As the summer comes to a screechingly unwelcome halt, I can reflect on it and know I have done a great job balancing my time this summer. I had a list of summer projects that needed to be accomplished, and not ONE of these items went unchecked. I had a goal of getting more active and eating better, and I've absolutely followed through. I developed a great routine for me and the kids, and even though I have no idea what will really happen to that once school starts, I am hopeful we can continue it!

This summer was also the first summer Knox has been well past needing more than one nap, so our mornings were completely open to enjoy activities and outings. It's so fun to be able to have that one-on-one time with him, and I'm excited I'll still get that once a week once school begins. But, enough with how awesome this summer has been... let's move on to the details and pics!

So, I guess I'd say our first official day of Camp Mommy began the afternoon that Banner finished first grade. We joined our dear friends who were visiting from Colorado at Play Street. The next day was Ella's birthday party, and the day after that was Damon's first birthday party. June continued with a day at Gymnastics Place for Banner, a special date at Six Flags just us, a celebration dinner for our preschool boys, and a new camp (Summer Institute for Gifted Students - SIGS) for Banner. Once the little boys finished their school year, our fun continued with puppet shows, play group at Palaestra, Banner's birthday party, an annual visit to Klyde Warren Park, a splash park birthday party for Landry, more My Gym for Knox, an outing at Color Me Mine where we made Father's Day gifts for Sam, a visit to Jungle Joe's, swim lessons, naps at Grandma's, lunch dates with friends, and a special date day for Quinn, Sam, and me. Knox started camp three days a week for the summer, and once Camp Gan Izzy started for the big boys, I had my own agenda to get those projects done! Working out was my top priority this summer, and I surpassed my goal on that - much to my own surprise and delight! June also brought Jets soccer games, a fun Father's Day weekend, a great performance by Sandler in Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, a well-check for Banner, Hayla's 2nd birthday party, Monster Yogurt, an evening at Jillian's pool, speech classes for Quinn, and a fishing class for Banner. Also in June, I introduced Banner to cursive, he learned to tie his shoes, we pushed math facts, and Quinn's reading really picked up! The only big downfall of June (and July) was we missed our usual summer sleepovers with Brycen and Nami since Nami had surgery this summer.
Ella's birthday party
Damon's party - awaiting the piƱata 
Mommy's home from her last work day!

Last day of school for the littles
Klyde Warren Park
DMA - with the Marrone boys (can you spot them all?)

Landry's party
Sick Banner
Play Date Co. 
Zoo Date with Quinn
Jungle Joe's art room
B gets his Switch
Cousins ready for the lake
Waiting for Quinn to finish speech class
Nose to Nose, Toes to Toes
Fishing Class
With Jillian
We started off July at Little Elm Beach - a family favorite since last summer! Then, we did Crayola Experience, battled a flat tire that ruined our plans, celebrated the 4th, visited a couple church playgrounds, Menchie's, Little Humans Big Fun, Heights Pool for an early evening swim and dinner, Kids Castle, and a garage sale. One Sunday, the big boys got to go fishing with Zaide, and then we enjoyed the rec center pools. We did a post-dinner story time at the library, tried out the new Play Street, enjoyed Practice & Play at My Gym, saw Mary Poppins Jr at Plano Children's Theater, swam with the Marrones and had a delicious dinner with all the boys, celebrated Sari's 2nd birthday, tried out The Ark in Coppell and later in the same week Oak Hills Splash Pad in Carrollton. We had an impromptu play date at Aunt Kira's house and had a hard time leaving! We also had a breakfast play date at Hat Creek for Amanda's birthday, catered to Banner's nausea and vomiting, and then once he was better and back at camp, Knox and I wrapped up our month at The Coop following a My Gym class, a lunch date at Country Burger, and then play time at "Mommy's Gym" with all the boys after camp.

With Plano police chief at the July 4th parade
Ready to go fishing with Zaide
Friday Family Film Fest
Little Elm Beach
Up on the roof at Aunt Jacque's for fireworks
Church playground
Tree Fort at Watermark
Campbell Green splash park
at My Gym

Little Humans Big Fun
Heights Pool
Kids Castle
Play Street in Allen

Swimming with Marrone boys
Sari's party
Hanging by the pool at Grandma's
Sick Quinn
Silly Quinn
At Oak Hills Park

The very unanticipated, much dreaded month came all too quickly. But just because we were not excited about August appearing doesn't mean we didn't continue to enjoy our time off. The boys enjoyed more camp up until the 3rd when they ended with a camp carnival, and when Daddy came home early that night, he surprised the boys with a trip to Chuck E Cheese. We also enjoyed dinner with Lorie & Kimberly and kids, celebrated Isaac's 2nd birthday, went to Frisco Water Park (a definite favorite!), had a fun play date with Michelle and Charlotte, and flew our way through my back-to-work week - a time that is ultra-hectic without a typical childcare routine. Thanks to Grandma, Aunt Kira, Amanda, and Daddy, we make it all work out so we can all get done what we need. This last week, the big boys attended PowerKids, Young Chef's camp, and Gymnastics camp, while Knox stayed with either Grandma or Daddy. The boys enjoyed an impromptu overnight at Grandma & Papa's house. I was able to take everyone, including Levi, to Oak Hills splash park again, and just today we went to see Christopher Robin while Knox napped at Grandma's.
Science Experiments with Daddy
Relaxing at My Gym 
Lunch date for Mommy & Knox 
Camp Carnival
Oak Hills Park Splash Park
Pizza delivery to the park!
Christopher Robin  at Studio Movie Grill

Whew! What a summer! We didn't go on any trips. We didn't do anything extravagant. We didn't visit family or friends from far away or get any special visitors. But, we had FUN - and we soaked it all in!  We got in LOTS of swimming time at Grandma's house! We continued our Friday Family Film Fests - with movies like Because of Winn DixieIndian in the Cupboard, Akeelah and the Bee, Yours, Mine, & Ours, and High School Musical (1, 2, and 3!). We started new chore charts, we are trying out FitBits, we organized and helped with a garage sale, we each took turns being sick and cleaned up lots of vomit and poop off floors, toilets, underwear, and carpet, sat through many indoor soccer games, and we started planning Quinn's birthday party. Like I said before, this summer was a turning point for me on so many levels, and I am mourning its ending just a little - okay, a lot. I have a plan to carry it with me, but I will miss my ME time. Tomorrow, we have all three boys' Meet the Teacher events (bright and early for Banner!). Tomorrow signals the end of summer with only one weekend left before homework begins, before the early morning rush ensues, and before our summer of freedom becomes a distant memory. This mama who sure does love her down time with her sons is in much mourning, but I know we lived it well this summer. And, hey, there's always next summer! But first... let's plan Winter Break! ❄