Wednesday, August 16, 2017

18-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Today is your HALF-BIRTHDAY!! Geeeezzz!! This time last year, you were getting your move on! You were just starting to be all over the place, crawling and cruising. A year later, you are now climbing up on everything. Just last week, Daddy found you standing on the piano keys all by yourself! He was in the kitchen, and when he peeked around the corner, there you were just standing all over the piano! We can't leave you unattended for a second. You're climbing out of your highchair, climbing and standing on tables, tops of couches, tops of chairs, in strollers, and getting out of shopping cart seats that you're strapped into! You have figured out ways to shimmy and worm your way out of those straps. This is keeping us quite busy - and annoyed - but it is pretty darn cute! Your physical agility and balance do have perks, though. Our baby gates to the stairs are rarely locked now because you are a pro at getting up and down all by yourself. You easily get on and off the couch all by yourself, and you rarely need help climbing at the playgrounds.

What else have you been up to this month?

-You are getting a little 'tude! While you're still easily distracted by something else you might like or enjoy, you want what you want when you want it! Man, you know how to demand something! Most recently, since you were sick last week, you are attached to your pacis and seem to want them (at least) in your hands at all times. If I say no, which I'm doing more and more lately to cut that habit, you are MAD MAD MAD! The best trick is to distract you with a toy or helping me with something or a book  - or a song usually helps the most.

-You're saying so many more words. I think our count is up to 23, with phrases counted as one word (for example, you told Daddy to "hagooday!" as he left for work, which of course is "have a good day!" and my favorite phrase "Ioyou"... I love you). This month, you added "watch," and it's used often to tell us you want to watch a show - probably Yo Gabba Gabba, a show that continues to mesmerize you.  We also hear "dis" a lot these days, as you point to what you want (this). A new favorite of mine is when you say, "hep" (help) and know we will come assist you. And, you've picked up a few bad habits from your brothers, as you ask, "Why??" when I ask you to come to me or to bring me your cup or to put that down....

-You had a cold this month that didn't seem to want to leave. I finally took you in a second time, and Dr. M diagnosed sinusitis, and because of a horrible diaper rash that we could not get rid of, she thought you may have also had a strep infection, so she prescribed Amoxicillin, and we should be done with that tomorrow! You've been such a trooper taking that medicine twice a day without issue!

-You are still infatuated with SHOES! When you were just learning to walk, you would bring me all the shoes - probably because you also loved to put shoes in your mouth-- so, I'd always take them away from you, and you therefore probably thought I was the one with the shoe fetish. Now, you just want shoes on - ANYONE'S shoes on - all the time! Daddy's boots, my flip flops, Banner's crocs, Levi's shoes at Grandma's house... doesn't matter where or whose... just give you those shoes!!

-You want to brush your own teeth and use your own spoon (and spill everything that was on it).

-If you could push a toy grocery cart around all day, you would be in heaven. While you occasionally still get frustrated when you can't push past or around something, you've gotten to be pretty good at maneuvering the one at our house and at Grandma's. You just LOVE these carts - and you'll find them at play places right away!

-You also really enjoy going in our toy closet and asking me to get you all kinds of things you'll play with for 10 seconds and throw around before asking for another toy. It looks a little like this: you pull me to the toy closet as you say, "um, um!" (come, come!). You make me open the door and turn on the light, and then you point to the game or item you want. "Dis." I say, "You want the fishing game?" and you say, "Yeah." You proceed to go sit on the floor, take every little fishie out of the game, scatter them around the floor, and then come over to me, pull me to the toy closet, "um, UUUUMMM! DIS!" pointing to a different toy (a few favorites are the play cash register with itty, bitty coins in them, Connect 4 with all the little checker pieces, or Squigz with 50 rubber pieces of various sizes). This activity is fun for only you. You aren't the best cleaner-upper yet, even though I know you know how to do it! When I ask you to clean up one toy before the next, I am met with a whiney, "Nooooo-ooooh." It's really fun - let me tell you.

-We had your well check with Dr. B today, and you seemed to be so very comfortable with him at this visit! Luckily, no vaccines to ruin the great appointment you had... those will come in September when you're off your meds and it's been a little longer since your last vaccines (we were about four days early to give you this next round given the dates of your last administered shots). You were so cooperative for Dr. B, and it was nice to watch you two interact. You sat on his lap while he talked with Daddy and me. You laid quietly mesmerized during your exam. You even got a finger prick and didn't bat an eye!  He told us you are developmentally scoring between a 19-month-old and a 23-month-old. We are not surprised! You are one pretty amazing little guy!


Weight: 26 pounds, 5.2 ounces = 80th percentile
Height: 33 3/8 inches = 80th percentile
Head: 47.8 cm = 70th percentile

Diapers: size 5, overnight 6
Clothes: 18-24m and some 24m
Shoe: 6
Bedtime: 7:30pm
Wake up: 7:00am
Nap: 12:45-2:30/3:00.... I wish it were longer!
Meds: Zyrtec nightly

Knox Morgan, we celebrated your half-birthday with donuts and a candle. You immediately blew it out, and we had to relight it in order to get through the singing of "Happy Half-Birthday." All day, your big brothers wanted to have a party for you and kept asking when it was going to be... they forget we don't have parties for half-birthdays. :) We took your chair pictures, and after your nap, we came in your room singing "Happy Half-Birthday" when Quinn and I went in to get you out of your crib. You laughed and wanted hugs and squeezes while Quinn giggled with you and hugged on you, too. You are so very loved by both of your big brothers. I have loved watching that relationship build and grow and unfold. There are times you anger them greatly (turning off the Xbox mid-game, or hitting them over the head with a lightsaber) because you don't know that your actions are impacting them, and there are times they greatly anger you (picking you up and trying to take you away from something you want; changing the show you are watching) mainly because they forget that you aren't  baby who doesn't know any better - you are now a little boy with real feelings and real wants and desires! But, mostly, they are affectionate and loving with you. You adore them, their hugs, their kisses, their hand-holding. (If only THEY could get along with EACH OTHER the way they get along with YOU!) You and Quinn have a close relationship and adore each other's affectionate way of showing love. You and Banner are more of a typical big brother/baby brother dichotomy. You don't play much together, but you idolize each other and want to just hang out near each other. Like yesterday, I watched Banner sit down next to you, throw his arm around over your shoulders then kiss your cheek before you settled your head on his chest. Oh, how this warms a mother's heart!!

Next week, you start school. You'll be away from a family member for two days a week, and while that's not very much, it is breaking my heart to even imagine you in a room without a familiar face those first few mornings! We've had an amazing summer together, and it's going to be harder on me than it is on you I hope.... but the transition to school will be different than anything you've ever gone through. I have no doubt you'll be just fine. It's me I'm worried about! :) I know you won't remember all these months of just us and hanging out this summer, but I will. And, I'll miss my little buddy as you head off to school and I head off to work. (More on this next week!)

Here's to another amazing 6 months as you head to TWO! May it go as slowly as I wish!
 :) I love you so much, Knoxi!

Last swim class at the rec center... you got to be a lifeguard for a minute!
At a Gymboree music class
Lazy summer snuggles in my bed
At Sandy Lake Park
At My Gym class (Daddy took this one!)
At Isaac's birthday party
This morning -- we'd relit the candle about three times because you kept blowing it out... until you didn't and then Quinn wanted to.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Camp Mommy: July 2017

And our fun continues!! We are seriously having the greatest summer, and I am getting so very spoiled with my time, with my littlest boy and how sweet he is, and with the fun we are having! I've had more ME time this summer than I've had in a LONG time, and it just won't be the same once camp is over. There's no way around it, I'm kinda sad about the imminent end of summer camp for Banner and Quinn. They've had a great time, sure... but I think I've had a better time while Knox takes a nap and I have had time to just be - to catch up, to watch what I want to watch, to nap, to plan, to talk on the phone.... it's been so, so nice, and this time is coming to a fast, screeching halt all too soon! Once the school year starts, dismissals are scattered (one boy gets out at 1:00, one at 2:00, and one at 3:00), I'm back at part-time work which makes for a chaotic schedule, and the homework nonsense returns. (I'm secretly looking forward to not having to pack towels and changes of clothes with all the water activities, but knowing the boys had fun is worth that part and I'd rather be doing that than making sure folders are signed, library books are returned, permission slips are in the bag, etc.)

But, as usual, I digress. Back to Camp Mommy! We've had a ball, and we've continued to do different things, try out new places, learn and experience and venture way out! July began with a weekend filled with great activities: Home Depot with Daddy, swim lessons, and Knox's first movie (Despicable Me 3), followed by our first trip to a "beach" not far from us! We continued the month with July 4th celebrations, splash park fun, visiting Play Street, going to the children's aquarium, starting library story times, starting swim lessons at the rec center, driving to Irving for a petting farm experience, and hosting a sleep over with Brycen and Nami. All of us have had our turn with a little bug that's made it's way through the house, but that didn't stop us from having fun swimming, playing at Grandma's house, and trying out a couple of different gyms for Knox. The big boys got to go to our first Rough Riders game which was so much fun! We celebrated Sari's birthday, Aunt Mischelle and Caden's birthdays, as well at Hayla's birthday. We finished out July with a visit to Perot, a trip to Arbor Hills playground, the most fun play date at the "baby pool" with Aunt Mischelle and the cousins, a lame trip to Jump Mania, snow cones at Sugar Mountain, a play date at our old house (which made my heart so happy!), Damon's naming, a trip to Sandy Lake Park, and probably our last visit to Sense-Able Gym (which is closing after this week much to my disappointment).

As we wrap up July, I'm mourning it already! Teachers are heading up to school early to set up their classrooms, camp is winding down, and back-to-school sales are in full swing. But, that won't keep us from enjoying what's left of our summer! I'm clinging for dear life to this summer and trying to squeeze every ounce of fun into it for me and for the boys. So far, we've done just that and August (although short!) will be no different!

Here's a look at what we did:
Making bug catchers at HD with Daddy
Team work!
Ready for the movie!
Little Elm Beach
July 3rd play date
Skylar & Knox (2 weeks apart) 
July 4th Breakfast! :)
Firecracker Jello 
Swimming at BeeBee & Zaide's
July 4th Lunch 
Balloon Fight at Aunt Jacque & Uncle Freddy's
S'mores dip ready to go!
Waiting for Fireworks

Couldn't see fireworks well, so the boys came home early and finished watching fireworks on TV with me!
July 5th - Daddy makes his big announcement
G'night Gan Izzy
Splash Park with Levi
Crazy Hair Day at Camp
Play Street
Quinn got to go back to Young Chef's Academy
Playing with blocks at home
The lightest cousin with the darkest cousin! :)
Children's Aquarium
Waiting during martial arts.... on 7/11
Fritz Park Petting Farm
Play Street

Swimming at Grandma's - celebrating Caden & Aunt Mischelle's birthdays
Being silly at bed time
Michelle & Banner playing at the church play area
Q had fever, so we stayed home from camp and did crafts
My Gym - mesmerized by the "story"
Grandparent Day at camp

Grandma won the award for most grandkids at the camp (5!)
Rough Riders Game
It was HOT!
Sari's Party
Hanging at Grandma's house
He looks like a bartender to me here or maybe a card dealer... not sure why
Movie time!
Perot Museum
Listening to the grocer tell about her job
I don't know why, but I LOVE this shadow on the way into swim lessons at the rec center. I took a similar picture of Banner's lessons at this age.
Gymboree trial class

Playing with Quinn at the library
Swimming a Uncle Brock & Aunt Mischelle's neighborhood "baby pool"
Photo bomber Banner on the right
Twin Day at Camp
Jump Mania
The installation of the arcade area has ruined this facility :(
Snow cones at Sugar Mountain - and realized Banner has a lollipop stuck to his bottom
Play date at Darion with Max & Ryan
a picture at our old fireplace (different carpet and paint, but looks like home still!)
Sandy Lake Park
First carousel ride
Waiting for the roller coaster ride to start!
Sense-Able Gym
Knox loves a good grocery cart!