Thursday, March 5, 2015

Snow Days

On Monday and Tuesday, February 23rd and 24th, school was cancelled due to snow and ice making roads hazardous. Lucky for us, we got an extended weekend to enjoy each other and the snow. I have to say, while so many other parents can't stand snow days, I love them! I love the snow, and I think the little kid in me - and perhaps the former teacher - gets a little giddy about cancelled school. Yes, it's difficult to entertain the kids all day long when Daddy still has to go to work, but I really enjoy not having to be anywhere or on any kind of schedule. Those two days were busy around here with activities to help our time fly by while enjoying each other. Thanks to ideas from Grandma, we structured our day with various "studies":

Jewish studies - Purim masks and graggers
Mitzvah work
"feeding" our senses - Quinn couldn't stop eating the snow
Fort building followed by some brotherly bonding
Culinary arts - pancake puffs
More math
Arts & Crafts
Grilled cheese puffs for lunch
On Friday, February 27th, we were all at work and school, and throughout the day, snow got heavier and heavier. When we finally all got home, around 4:30-5:00, this is what we got to play in! Daddy came home shortly after us to join in the fun!
This happened during school hours while I was working. Here's the school playground-  covered!
Banner in the snow
Quinn eating the snow again
More snow eating
Still more snow eating
Sand toys became snow toys
Yes, still eating more snow
My favorite picture!
At night, we caught these baby bunnies huddling together - Mama Bunny was in a different part of the yard.
March 5th:
Just when we thought all the snow was gone until next winter, we got a LOT of it overnight! Mother Nature gave us one more day of winter fun! When Daddy came home from work on March 4th, it had been raining all day but no ice. 30 minutes later, after we ate dinner, the ground was covered in sleet and ice. We thought school might be cancelled, but we had no idea just how much snow we would wake up to! This is what we saw when we opened the front door, and we decided to play in it before Daddy went to work! We also had snow ice cream for breakfast!
We made snow ice cream for breakfast!
Love fresh footprints in the untouched snow

My Snow Angel
Snow completely covered our shoes - and most of his pajamas!
Running all over the place
Daddy's attempt at a snowman. We don't see snow much. He made a big boob, basically. Maybe this wasn't on accident after all.
Banner snuck over to the bushes and grabbed a little taste of snow. Here he is giggling about it.
Trying to make a snowball
Daddy "made it snow."
Snowball fight
Banner accurately saw this big patch of ice and said, "That's black ice, Daddy." It completely covered our sprinkler box, and when Daddy pressed on it with his toe, it cracked. Luckily, the boys stayed off of it.
Going to check the mail
Eating snow fresh off the ground!
"Mommy, I'm gonna get YOU!"
I think he'd had enough! Poor, cold toddler.
Getting hugs from mommy makes it all better. Love these lashes.
More Angel Baby