Monday, October 9, 2023

Sukkot Shenanigans 2023

Disney Sukkah

We re-lived our magical trip to Disney World this past January with foods and music from the WDW theme parks. Each food represented a ride or an attraction. From Animal Kingdom: Kilimanjaro Safari (animal crackers); Dinosaur (dino nuggets), Finding Nemo: The Big Blue & Beyond (goldfish); Tree of Life (broccoli). From Magic Kingdom: It's A Small World (chocolate earths); Haunted Mansion (cheese stick ghosts); Peter Pan's Flight and Country Bear Jamboree (Peter Pan peanut butter and jam sandwiches) - on a "CAROUSEL" of Progress; Seven Dwarfs Mine Train ("poison" apples), Mad TEA party; SPLASH mountain; Buzz LightBEER's Space Ranger Spin; Pirates of the Caribbean (babybel). From Epcot: Turtle Talk with CRUSH; Remy's RATATOUILLE Adventure (with FRENCH bread); MISSION: Space (tortillas); Frozen Ever After (Frozen Gogurt). From Hollywood Studios: Slinky Dog Dash (hot dogs); TWILIGHT Zone Tower of Terror; Alien Swirling Saucers (jello), and FANTAsmic! We found some hidden Mickeys in the sukkah and in the kitchen. Our guests were Grandma & Papa, and we loved reminiscing about our trip - our favorite rides and memories!

Game Sukkah!

Quinn came up with this one earlier this summer. He thought of Yeti in My Spaghetti, Candy Land, Hi Ho Cherry-O, Go Fish, and Don’t Spill the Beans. Then we brainstormed some more and set up a good spread with Apples to Apples, Bananagrams, Count Your Chickens, Stone Soup, Slamwich, Snakes and Ladders, Toss Your Cookies, Don’t Break the Ice, and Parcheesi.
The boys invited a few friends each to share dinner and games with in the sukkah. It was a loud, chaotic evening, but they had a great time sharing our tradition with friends. My favorite was when they played several rounds of Pictionary. I loved watching the different ages work together on different teams.

Lost Sukkah

If you're not a fan of the TV show Lost, none of this will make any sense. But, if you're addicted to the show and/or know every detail about it, like Sam, then this sukkah was the place to be! Most of this was a surprise for Sam and his dad, another Lost fan. It was such a fun evening to create - from the playlist I put together to the boarding passes each guest had with his/her name on it to the surprise artwork hanging in the sukkah. We loved having BeeBee, Zaide, Aunt Gayle, Colby, and NaNa here with us to enjoy all the yummy food that centers around Sam's favorite show. Namaste!

Simchah Sukkah

A simchah is a joyous occasion, a celebration. This year, our family has some special ones coming up, so in honor of Natalie and Kirill’s wedding next month and in honor of Banner’s bar mitzvah in June, we had Simchah Sukkah! Special shout out to my mom for making the BRISket we enjoyed! We had Italian Wedding Soup, “cornsecration,” SHULey TEMPLES, HORA d’ouevres, Saladbrate Good Times, Son of the CommandMINTS (Junior Mints), Hershey Bar Mitzvah Pie, CHAI tea, and a CHUPPAH Joe. The boys picked songs that had to do with good times and celebration, and then of course got up and danced.

Harry Potter Sukkah
The Edwards family joined us for a night of spells, potions, and wizardry and all kinds of Harry Potter fan favorites! We enjoyed Chicken Pot(ter) Pie, Shepherd's Pie, Professor Sprout's Garden, Ravenclaws, HufflePUFFs, and a smorgasbord of sweets: Polyjuice Potion, Butterbeer, chocolate frogs, deMINTors, golden snitches, Nimbus 2000s, Slytherin snakes, and jelly slugs. The sorting hat told everyone where to sit, and we also each had a turn (blindly) choosing Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. (I got Soap!) My favorite part of tonight's sukkah - other than the guests, the conversation, and listening to the kids play together - was the floating candles in the sukkah. I didn’t want to take them down!
Knox got Black Pepper
Quinn got Dirt
Banner thought he got Buttered Popcorn, but a moment after this
was taken, he learned it was really Rotten Egg!
Gretchen ate Earwax!

Transportation Sukkah
When we went to NYC this summer, we took all kinds of transportation to get around. While there, we brainstormed some fun ideas to bring this sukkah theme to our guests with small kids. Unfortunately, they got sick and couldn’t make it tonight. We wish they’d been here to enjoy meatball SUBS, zucchini BOATS, fruit ROCKETS, WHEELS, jet fuel, fruit by FOOT, fruit CARS, and CHOO-CHOO treats.

Michael Jackson Sukkah!
I had so much fun planning this one. We started the night watching Moonwalker, and then rocked the night away with the Giffords and Bornsteins! We “jam”-ed to MJs greatest hits while we had: “brocco-lee-hee,” Pepsi, “mama se mama sa mama cole slaw,” moon(walk) pies, king of pop(corn), smoothie criminal, “the way you make me veal” (spoiler alert- it was really chicken), “they don’t really carrot ‘bout us,” “just stop doggin’ me around,” “shake your body down to the ground,” “blame it on the cookie,” and on “black or white” plates! It was a thriller of a night, and the perfect way to wrap up one BAD Sukkot! ✌️