Monday, October 17, 2022

Sukkot Shenanigans 2022

Silly Sukkah

We were honored to have some of our favorite rabbis join us for a night of silliness this first night of Sukkot. We enjoyed their company while eating spaghetti tacos, meatloaf cupcakes, broccoli and tomato pops, funny face fruit, gravity-defying fruit juice, and pizza cake. Quinn shared some silly jokes, the boys wore some very silly clothing, and we all shared silly stories throughout the night. Our hearts (and bellies) are full to have shared the evening with such lovely friends who have been a part of our lives for such a long time and in quite meaningful ways.


I was challenged to create a sukkah theme by one of Sam’s friends to represent the circle of friends in their specific group that was borne from losing elections. This chat group got titled a strange name, one I cannot disclose, but I did accept and meet the challenge to include all members of the group by eating foods that represented each person. That’s all I’m allowed to tell you. 🤫

Potluck Song Sukkah

We invited our family to be creative with us and select food items for our meal that represented songs. Each song was also added to a play list we enjoyed in the sukkah. It was quite the assortment of songs and an amazing spread of food! Our family knows how to party! It was chaotic but fun! Too many songs to list out here, so see for yourself!

Medieval Times Sukkah

“On this fourth night of Sukkot, in that great hut at the castle of Lady Pierce and Lord Johnson, we were accompanied by the houses of Cobbel and Acks. The feast was prepared and presented to our guests, whose decades-long alliance we celebrated with tales of recent quests and regaled stories of days long past. While the royal courts ate and drank, our posterity consumed and then retreated to the latter half of the land outside. A great time was had by all even without the knights of the realm to entertain us this eve.” -Lord Johnson

Fancy Sukkah

After last year’s holiday, Quinn came up with the idea to do a fancy night in the sukkah, so we planned to do it this year. As Sukkot approached, the boys had the idea to each ask a special someone to join them. This seemed like the perfect night to invite them. Sam and I waited on these three sweet couples as they dined by candlelight, listened to soft tunes, and enjoyed a lovely meal together.

Throwback: Puppy Sukkah

In 2018, we had a Puppy Sukkah but no puppy. Of course, I never could have imagined I’d ever say “yes” to being a dog owner - because who wants to take that on!? But here we are, just two days shy of a full year with Tova, so it seemed fitting to redo this theme… the only theme we’ve ever repeated. Since Sam and Quinn are out of town, it was a small gathering, but our guest of honor was our own special puppy. Pupperoni pizza, kibble, puppy chow, Pupsi, dog bones, and water bowls… not the most nutritious, but a perfect Friday night dinner after a long, crazy week. After dinner and after Tova signed the sukkah, we took her to her favorite place: the dog park. Beautiful weather, breezy and cool, perfect for letting everyone get their energy out! 🐾🦴🐶

Percussion Sukkah

In honor of Banner’s first year in band, we had all things percussion tonight and shared time in the sukkah with the Marrones since Levi is also a first-year percussionist. Triangles, bell peppers, piano sandwiches, carrot and celery sticks, xylophone cakes and mallets, kettle(drum) corn, spoons, tuning forks, and Drumsticks, then loud boys with loud instruments, followed by a calm Havdalah in the sukkah. Whew! What a week! I am not cooking for another week at least. Mama tired! But what a great week it’s been!