Sunday, June 1, 2014

Passover, Mother's Day, and Memorial Day

So, here we are in June!! Although I've been posting a lot, I haven't been keeping up with our holiday happenings! SO, here are a a "few" pics from Passover, Mother's Day, and Memorial Day! :)

We had Passover at my mom's house this year, and Sam and Banner had second Seder at Zaide's house (after Quinn and I left after a 20 minute visit due to his early bedtime).

One of Quinn's favorite places to be - 7 months
Tasting the salt water on the parsley
Uncle Barry leading the Seder
Aunt Jacque with Levi at his first Passover
Fourth cup! :) hehe
Reading the Haggadah with Daddy
Lilly, Grandma, and Banner
Jackson holding Levi for the first time
NaNa making Quinn laugh
Kisses for Aunt Gayle
Aunt Debbi and Sam
Banner with candy "boils"
Uncle Marc & Banner
For Mother's Day, Sam let me sleep in - always a perk of the day! :) Then, we got dressed and ready to go to Grandma's for brunch. Well, I treated myself to a make-up-less day, so getting ready didn't take long! And, Sam dressed the boys in overalls since overalls are my favorite! I mean, really, a little boy can only get away with wearing overalls for so long, so I dress them in overalls a lot at this time in their lives. :)
Mommy and her babies
My Mommy with her baby and her babies
Uncle Brock and Quinn - 8 months
Uncle Brock showing off to Banner, Brycen, and Nami
The yummy spread
"Happy Mother's Day, Aunt Mischelle!"
My baby sister's first Mother's Day!
Grandma & Quinn
Uncle Brock made Banner FLY!
Our gift to Mom
New drinking glasses!
I love this picture!
Brycen with his aunts
My two boys in their overalls! :)
Levi and his Mommy! :)
Kira, Grandma, and Levi (almost 3 months)
Happy First Mother's Day, Kira!
Theo and Nami
Banner giving me a gift he made at school
My sweet boy!
Sam asked for a picture with my mom - just the two of them. He said they never get to take pictures of just them. Oh, how I love this picture! Two of my most favorite people, my bestest friends, in the whole world.
Then, we headed to the cemetery to "see Bubbie." This is always so hard. Tears flow every time I'm in this special place, sitting with the reality that Sam's mom is not here to celebrate Mother's Day with. I miss her. I miss her for him. I miss her for my kids. But, I talk to her when I'm there - telling her what a wonderful mom she was to raise this strong man I'm married to and how wonderful he is with his children. These pictures were almost lost when I tried to upload them to the computer when we got home. I deleted them from my camera once I uploaded them, but then the computer showed an error in the process. An hour later, Sam found them, and I cried. They turned out so beautiful. I wanted him to see them, and I wanted a record of Quinn's first "visit." They speak for themselves.

Right before we left, Banner told me he needed to poop. Luckily, I had a little potty in the back of my car. Unluckily for Sam, he got to clean it out when we got home - another Mother's Day gift to me! :) He LOVED that I captured this photo!
And, I just love this cutie! He's getting so big!
On Memorial Day, we went to my aunt and uncle's house. We also celebrated Landry's 3rd birthday!
Mara & Me
Uncle Brock, Levi, Grandma, and Aunt Kira
Banner on a balance bike
Grandma & Quinn
Quinn like a big kid! (8 months)
Quinn and Landry - LOVE this picture
Ban, Marin, and Caden
Aunt Kiki and Mara
"Happy Birthday to Landry!"
Father & Son
Father & Son