Sunday, January 17, 2021

Banner's Preschool Artwork & Projects

 Dear Banner,

One of the hardest, yet silliest, things as a parent is knowing how to archive your many projects you bring home from school and camp. With so many pieces of art and hard work you do at school, Dad and I go back and forth on the best way to save your masterpieces. Should we save everything and let you decide what to do with it when you're older? Will you remember a certain project more than others and wish we hadn't thrown it away? Should we post it on the fridge and for how long? Your childhood is passing so quickly, and my heart wants to just keep all of it and treasure every little thumbprint, brush stroke, glue glob, and yes, even the messy sand or rice that is falling off the pages all these years later. But, I also know you'll be annoyed with me if I don't weed through a lot of it; I know you don't want to inherit a mess of various pieces of construction papers, painted clothespins, or glittered paper plates... well, maybe you do - you do tend to be our "hoarder" child... in which case I better do it for you anyway! So, I photographed a lot of it and saved just a few (mostly the ones with handprints or pictures of you). Here are some of my favorites you've brought home over the years:

(I've tried several times to upload these in chronological order, but I give up; this system continues to place my photos in reverse order. SO... we'll start with the end of PreK and move back towards Mommy & Me.)


This is the turkey hat you wore for the 
Thanksgiving Show (November 2015).

September 2015 - PreK

August 26th, 2015 - first artwork of PreK

Camp Gan Izzy - July 3rd, 2015 (4 years old)

Summer 2015

3's class

3's class (with Ms. Hedy)

This is the envelope that held the four pieces of art above.
It was a recycling unit.

"Shabbat" - 3's class

Haggadah front cover (3 years old)

October 2014

Notice the cast and boot on your left ankle.

Summer 2014 - probably at Camp Ruach at Anshai

2's Class:
This note may have made me cry when you came home
from your first year of preschool. (It was the last page in a book
of your artwork from the year.)

2's placemat

Mommy & Me Class - or at Home with Mommy

We made this together at home - you sitting in your highchair,
gluing these stripes on and putting stickers on. I remember it vividly.

Same with this one - we made this at home together. 

Mommy & Me Placemat

This post was supposed to start with Mommy & Me and move forward to PreK - but ending with your first pieces of artwork is so sweet. Look at those photos of you, my Angel Baby! Oh, how fast time has gone, and these pieces of you and your work just melt my heart. It is such a joy to be your mom, to watch you grow and change, to learn and develop; but I also want to bottle you up at each age and never miss you again at that state. To cuddle you and hold you, listen to your small voice, feel your soft, pudgy hand in mine, see that smile and those bright blue eyes light up, answer your curious questions, hear your funny ideas and watch you experience new things all the time... I miss those days. These photos capture the very earliest of your creations and experimenting with textures, colors, instruments, and various materials. To you, they may just be dots on a page, a mess of fingerprints, or chaos of shapes, but to me they are so special - bringing me back to those first years of being your mommy and your little hands learning to do brand new things. These aren't just art projects - they are memories. Thank you for sharing them with us!

I love you forever,

Preschool Teachers:
2012-2013 Mommy & Me: Ms. Betty & Ms. Beverly
2013-2014 Two's Class: Ms. Betty & Ms. Jennifer
2014-2015 Three's Class: Ms. Hedy & Ms. Michelle
2015-2016 PreK: Ms. Yael & Ms. Sandi

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