Saturday, September 8, 2018

Favorite Fifth Year Memories: Quinn

-After reading Love You More, you whispered in my ear, "I love you farther than the farthest soccer ball has ever rolled," and then when I told you I loved you more than the farthest basketball has ever been thrown, you said "I love you more, so much more than that." 

-The night you told me I could tell you I love you after several nights of  not saying it because you wanted me to stop, I was elated! I hugged and kissed you'll over and said, "Oh, thank GOD! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!"

-When we were playing in the water park at Great Wolf Lodge, you said, "This is more fun than the iPad!"

-Shadow puppets on your wall at bedtime. 

-In March one night, right after I tucked you in, you called me back into your room to tell me you were having a "nightmare." I told you to try to think about wonderful things like our trip or building a huge castle with Legos or remembering all the funny parts from Peter Rabbit (which we had seen the night before). "But I might laugh out loud," you said. To which I replied, "That's okay." A few minutes later, you laid in bed laughing to yourself. 

-In April, you said, ""Mommy, I like yuh matzah pizza so much that when I have kids, I'm gonna make it fuh dem too." I proceed to tell him how easy it is, and he inquires, "And how long do you cook it in deh oven fowah? ... Oh dat's not so long!" 

-In May, I was wiping your bottom, and as you sat on the toilet you said, "Being a kid is hawd. It's hawd to listen when yuah a kid. But I won't be one fu-evah. And when I'm a gwown up and I have kids, dey will say duh same fing, and I'll tell dem dat's what I said when I was a kid."

-It was just before bath, and I told you to head upstairs. "One minute. I want to show you something." As I was putting laundry in the washing machine, you told me to look at you as your twisted the top off the Benadryl cream tube. I looked up, and you put the open tube immediately in front of your open eye. "No, Quinn! Stop that!" I yelled at you. You slowly and calmly replied, "Don't judge a book by its cover!" you said. I asked, "What does that mean?!" and you said, "I have no idea," and then you put the cap back on the tube, set it down, and ran upstairs.

-In August, you said, "Mommy, Banner's not letting me win!" I replied, "He's not supposed to let you win." And then you said, "Well, I AM supposed to win. I'm slow and steady." I remember being caught off-guard and not knowing what to say, so I said: "Well, if you don't like the game, then don't play with him." You were bothered by this idea and quickly snapped back: "But I WANT to play with him. I AM PLAYING WITH HIM, OKAY!?!?"

-One day before camp this summer, you fell outside and hurt your cheek. The next morning, you came in my room and said, "When my camp friends see my face, they're going to laugh." I tried to assure you they wouldn't. But you said, "No, Mommy, they will, because I'm gonna tell them, 'You should see the other guy.'"

-I was putting you and Banner to bed one night in February - both of you in his bed. I was between you guys, laying down from the foot of the bed so that my legs were off the bed but my head was near your bellies. I was singing L'chi Lach when Banner suddenly rolled over and kneed me in the cheekbone. I was too hurt to finish the song, not feeling so lullaby-ish with a stinging cheek. I kissed you both goodnight as I told you I needed to go get some ice. I left the room, and a couple minutes later, as Banner started to cry (because he was feeling sorry and because he doesn't like me to not be upstairs when he's falling asleep), you counseled him. "You have to be strong. Don't be scared. Just like the cave people, they were brave even when there was a dinosaur roaring at them. They had to be mighty, not like a mouse. They never gave up. Let's practice. Number 1: Don't be scared, Number 2: Be mighty, Number 3: Be strong. Mommy's counting on you. God's counting on us. And when every "Jewish" is scared and crying, God is counting on them. He's counting on you right now. Do you want to hold my hand? Don't go get Mommy. Be strong. Be brave like me."  I came back in the room to let Banner know I was okay. You told me you were trying to help Banner. I told you I heard that, and I am so proud of what a helper you are and what a caring heart you have  You said, "I know. I'm a kind person and nice to people. I'm brave too. I'm a counselor like you."

-On Uncle Brock's birthday in April, we were on our way home from swimming, and we called Grandma to say hi. We told her Happy Anniversary of becoming a Mommy, and that sparked discussion about who my mom was and how many kids she had. I talked about how I grew up and moved into my own house and married Daddy, etc. Then, you asked if you could come visit me when you are a grown up. You told me you want to live across the street from me when you grow up. I told you I'd LOVE that. Then, you mentioned that you would change your last name, though. When I asked you what you'd change it to, you said, "Jerusajuice. Quinn Jerasajuice." 

-One Friday Family Film Fest, you turned your whole body against mine, snuggled up close with me and said, "I just love you and want to be with you all the time, even when I'm at Anshai."

-The day you jumped off the diving board at Muehlenbeck in July. You were so little waiting your turn with all the big kids, and they kept turning to me asking if you were going to really jump off the board. "Isn't he going to be scared?" I wasn't sure if you would be or not, and I was getting annoyed that they'd even say that out loud or put that thought in your head. You calmly walked up to end of the board so high above the deep water, and you jumped confidently. All the big kids in line clapped and cheered for you as you swam back to the wall. I was elated, and you wanted to go again! (Unfortunately, the pool closed with only one person in front of you for your second turn, and you didn't get to go again. You were so sad about that and cried, but you were a champ wanting to go back and do it again next time!)

-Watching you hug Ms. Bev at the Meet the Teacher event at Safari Run in August. You hadn't seen her all summer and missed her greatly. You knew she wouldn't be your teacher this year, and you were apprehensive about the new school year. You hugged her with a Famous Quinn Hug for several minutes. I teared up and had to turn away. I think you needed that hug from her. I needed to see you two back together again. It warmed my heart to see you snuggled in your teacher's arms. 

-First thing in the morning, our cuddles in my bed or if I'm already up and getting ready for work, rocking each other on the bathtub ledge in my bathroom. THE BEST!

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