Tuesday, July 3, 2018

See the World

Two years ago, we took Banner and Quinn on their first road trip to San Antonio. Banner had just turned four, and Quinn was 21 months. It was such a fun trip, and it obviously made an impression on Banner, because throughout his Kindergarten school year, he would write about Sea World: his favorite place, if he could go anywhere, what he wishes for... and it made my heart so happy that he may have remembered that trip. Even if he didn't remember specifics, he was able to remember having a great time, so I was really wanting to take him again. Quinn always likes to watch videos from that trip, so I'm not sure if he really remembers the trip (probably not) or if he just remembers the stories and the pictures and videos, but we knew he would like to go as well! Sam and I were up for the challenge of taking Knox on his first trip, and with amazing free deals for preschool kids (3-5), under 2 get in free, and educator passes, we only had to pay $65 for Sam's ticket! As long as we took Banner before turned 6, four of us got in for free!

So, on Saturday morning, the big boys were asking for donuts. We said no, and they asked if they could have donuts the next morning. We said no because we wouldn't be home. We then shared that we were going to Sea World in just a couple hours! Banner's eyes lit up... for about at least a few seconds. Then, he said, "I don't want to go. I want to have a sleep over at Brycen and Nami's house." Quinn lit up as soon as Banner lit up. His eyes stayed like that, even though Banner began to pout. He said he would go another time this summer. I was so disappointed. Talk about taking the wind out of a parent's sails! Banner has done this before - gets super excited and then gets upset. Perhaps he has some anxiety about being surprised, and we should learn our lesson and tell him more in advance! Luckily, after some time to think about it, he changed his mind and decided to come with us.

The drive there just about did me in! It was an almost-5-hour drive. Sam drove the whole way, which left me playing chief entertainer and servant to three very busy, demanding boys. I came with an arsenal of activities and felt like I was juggling snacks, toys, games, and activities the entire drive, but truly they did great! We had dry erase boards, markers, and gloves for erasers; we blew bubbles; we did some coloring; Knox and I played catch; we ate lunch; we played with stickers; we watched a couple DVDs that Banner had checked out from the library; each big boy had a scavenger hunt that was really fun for them, and the hit of the ride was a surprise Froot Loop necklace I had made for B and Q the night before. We also introduced the boys to Buccee's for a pit stop, and that was a real treat as well!

Quinn's scavenger hunt - he's getting to be such a great sign reader "do not enter," "exit"
Banner's scavenger hunt - we learned some new words "silo," "cemetery"
First Buccee's trip
Looks like Buccee was hitting Quinn upside the head!
Froot Loop necklaces!

We arrived in San Antonio around 4:00, and we got settled in the hotel. Hotels are an adventure in and of itself... what a fun time for the kids! Quinn walked in to our room and said, "Where is the microwave and the oven?" He is such a baker in the making! Then we headed to the River Walk for a boat ride. It was hot, and we were tired, but we pushed through and listened to our tour guide tell about lots of history and interesting pieces of information about the river and its surroundings. Then, we ate dinner at Casa Rio, the same restaurant Sam and I had eaten at before the Billy Joel concert in December. This time, the wait for an inside table was nonexistent since so many people wanted to sit outside. The kids ate great, and before we knew it, we had to get back to the hotel for bedtime! Much to our surprise and delight, Knox did great sleeping in his Pack 'n Play, which he hasn't slept in since he was a newborn.

Waiting in line for the River Walk boat... best little way to wrangle three little boys!
Casa Rio.... he couldn't decide if he wanted milk or water, so both!
Water or Sprite?
Sunday morning arrived at 6:35 with Knox waking up long before I would have liked. Once he was up, the other boys were up with excitement about our day ahead! By 7:45, we were downstairs ready for breakfast at the hotel. Then, it was back upstairs to get all of our stuff ready for our Sea World adventure! Knox was pretty cranky by 9:10 when we left for Sea World. I was hoping he would fall asleep on the 30 minute drive there, but no such luck. Poor guy was used to a morning nap around that time, but he wouldn't take it in the car.

(*I never finished this post... Sorry!)

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