Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Favorite Second Year Memories: Quinn

  • Watching you eat birthday cake at your first birthday party
  • Taking you to Campbell Green for the first time. You lit up with time to yourself without Banner around. It was just us, and you seemed to relish this time!
  • Similarly, the first time we met Daddy for lunch when Banner was in school. We went to Taco Diner, and you loved having us to yourself!
  • Dancing to "Entertainer"at dinner time as a family
  • Eating donuts at our family Hanukkah party
  • You in your elephant costume on Halloween... you weren't so fond of it, but it was so freakin' cute!
  • Watching you toddle around at Toddler & Me
  • Dancing to Ella Enchanted and Parenthood songs, and just last night, the "Flashlight" song
  • Swinging at the park
  • Quite possibly my all-time favorite: Laying on your bedroom floor watching the fish projection and listening to "Twinkle" play on the sound machine - our heads together and holding hands. I cried, then you kissed me. (February, 17 months)
  • Watching you hug Banner with both arms around each other for the first time in your room (February, 17 months)
  • When you told Daddy "love you!" for the first time - it was completely unprompted and sincere (23 months)
  • Waiting to sign in at the front desk at your 18-month check up while you held my leg and hid next to it... you were being shy, and I was your safe place.
  • Sliding down the double slide at the "green park" together (18 months)
  • The dance party you started on a Monday morning by playing the song on the party bus Aunt Mischelle and Uncle Brock brought you from NYC. All four of us just broke into our own dances in the kitchen after I made Banner's lunch that morning.
  • Our dance to "Mamma Wing" at 18 months; after we dropped Banner off at school, we came home, danced and teared up!
  • Piggy back rides... you on my back and Banner on Daddy's back, cooking dinner on a Wednesday night at 5:30.
  • Morning snuggles in our bed while you drank your sippy cup of milk
  • When I had been at Casey's shower, and you had gone out with Daddy, Banner, Bee Bee, and Zaide... I opened the front door to you coming home late. I knelt down and watched you toddle up the walkway, as you said, "Mama!" and gave me the best hug. (April, 19 months)
  • When we were shopping at Whole Foods, and you leaned forward from your seat in the cart to hug me as I shopped.
  • Hug after hug after hug on Mother's Day
  • Watching you be so independent on Memorial Day as you kept up with the "big kids" on your ride-on toy
  • One day, laying on the couch with you, Banner would yell "Aahh!" after you asked him to. You yelled "ahh!" back at him, then dove into my chest to hide from the noise. Mostly, it was your face and how you looked so shocked and surprised at Banner's loud yell. (June)
  • Our visit to Klyde Warren with Levi & Luca
  • When you and Banner played in the hotel in San Antonio the first night we arrived - so giddy! You both ran all over the hotel room laughing and doing your "high-stepping" run.
  • Watching you wave to Abby & Elmo & Ernie at Bay of Play at Sea World... so very sweet!
  • Watching you hug Banner after your first day of school.
  • Snow days with you in February
  • How big the blue coat was on your at the ICE! exhibit in December
  • Putting you to bed tonight... telling you the story of your birth, who came to meet you that day, how you snuggled right away and my favorite thing has been (and always will be) cuddling you... and how many people love you and how very happy you make me... the way you felt in my arms, and how I know you'll never be this little again.

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