Thursday, July 9, 2015

22-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
So very close to TWO, and you are more and more independent, verbal, and adventurous. Just this week, you discovered how to get yourself into your high chair by yourself - scaling it and the chair next to it to carefully maneuver your body. You are putting more words together, and you are very intelligible. In fact, yesterday at My Gym, you asked the teacher for help all on your own, and her response was, "Thank you for using your words so nicely!" Your receptive and expressive language skills definitely help keep tantrums at bay when you need or want something. We can talk it out and talk it through, and I love that we communicate so well together.

So, what else have you been up to this month?

-We went to San Antonio this month - to Sea World and to the Alamo. We visited Uncle Trey's store, too. We celebrated Banner's birthday, my birthday, Father's Day, July 4th, and you got to see your first fireworks show. We've been busy with Camp Mommy activities nearly everyday, so when we drop Banner off at camp, you start listing the people we may potentially see: Ella? Luca? Levi? Kira? Amanda? Randi? Grandma? And, most days you ask to go to camp with Banner: "Camp. Me!"

-Any time I ask you what you want for snack or lunch, you respond with: "ice cream." This cracks me up a bit, because it catches me off-guard nearly every time. I don't know why since it's the same answer all the time -but it just occurred to me the other day that you always say this.

-You and Banner are really into little Legos. It's hard for both of you to share, but you are also both getting good at negotiating trades with each other. He knows he has to give you something in return for taking a Lego (or other toy) away from you.

-You love noodles/pasta, yogurt, cheese, pudding, ice cream, strawberries, frozen blueberries, chocolate, watermelon, and pizza (if it's not cut up!).

-You are still in love with Elmo & Abby.

-You are in the midst of cutting your upper right canine, bringing your teeth count to 13. You're still behind in that area, but you're slowly catching up.

-You enjoy watching Nemo, Shrek, Joseph, and The Letter Factory. Your favorite songs to request are "We Will" (Rock You), and "Lego" ("Everything is Awesome," the song from the Lego movie).

-You ask to go potty, but you rarely do when sitting on the toilet. You have peed a handful of times, but usually only right before bath.

-You've had a rough patch of getting to sleep this month. I really think you need a later bedtime, but that's difficult when Banner needs to go to sleep (since he doesn't nap like you do). It's a work in progress, and you may end up getting a later bedtime than him pretty soon if this continues. You just take a very long time to fall asleep at night.

-You know your colors: green, blue, yellow, orange, red, pink, purple. We're working on white, black, and brown.

-You learned to tell "knock-knock" jokes from Ella, and you think you're hysterical. Your joke goes like this: Knock-knock... who's there?.... Daddy!.... Daddy who?.... DADDY! and then you proceed to laugh incessantly like you told the funniest joke ever. Then everyone laughs because your laugh is too adorable. And, then you tell the same joke again.

-You are the most well-mannered little guy (mostly). You say "Thank you," and "Please" without needing to be told. You also say "Sorry" now. Last week, you dropped your blueberries out of your bowl, and when I went to come help you clean them up, you said, "Sowwy." You seriously don't have a mean bone in your body, and you are usually so willing to share, help, clean, hug, and cuddle. Sharing isn't always easy, but in general, you will have your turn and then be willing to give the toy to the next person.

Quinn, I'm savoring these next couple months before you turn 2. My baby is getting too big too fast, and so much is about to change for you. You're starting school at the end of next month, and Mommy is going back to work part-time. And, although I worried about you for many months when making those decisions, you are more than ready to be in a "school" program. Some of my most favorite times with you in the past few weeks have been at My Gym classes or at story time at the library, where you follow along so well - and independently. Seeing you do well on your own and seeing you be so successful makes my heart sing, and to see your satisfaction and your confidence grow is so special. I love watching you glow and feel so proud of yourself. You are one very amazing little boy.

I love you, Quinn Redding!
Happy 22 Months, My Love.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Camp Mommy: Weeks 3-4

Our fun summer continues on! Camp Mommy started the first week of June, and it was awesome! Since then, Quinn and I have done some really fun stuff while Banner was in camp (and of course some fun stuff when Banner could join). Here's a little peek into our last couple of weeks:

We kicked off week 3 with a visit to the Heritage Farmstead. Quinn loved the animals, and they were just waking up when we got there - full of noises and ready to eat! The next day, we attended another My Gym class - where Quinn is just having a ball! It's become my favorite day of the week, and I'm so glad we signed up (and took advantage of their teacher appreciation special a couple months ago)! Later that day, we had a sprinkler play date at our house. Thursday, we went to Jump Mania with friends and then ate lunch at our house with Ella. On Friday (my birthday), we started the day with some donuts, then went to the car wash where we celebrated some more! Banner wasn't feeling great, so we went to hang out at Grandma's instead of the movie we had planned on.

Week 4 was slow because we all had a stomach bug over the weekend, so we laid low on Monday. Tuesday, we went to story time at the library with Ella, then we went to CooCoo's, which was kind of a dud for this age group. But, Quinn LOVED the train rides he went on over and over again. Wednesday, we went to My Gym again... such a blast! Then, after we picked up Banner from his long day of camp, we met Ella & Randi for fro-yo! Thursday, we played at Central Market. Friday, we hung at home in preparation for July 4th fun! The boys spent the night at Grandma & Papa's house, and the following morning we went to Gretchen & Avi's house for a fun pool party. That evening, we went to Zaide & BeeBee's and then to Aunt Jacque & Uncle Freddy's house for dinner and fireworks. The boys did awesome and LOVED the fireworks. Happy Birthday, America!

Tummy bug blues

Snow Cones at Gretchen/Avi's on the 4th
Water balloon fight with Andre & Carter
Trying to negotiate his way into getting that balloon from Quinn
Negotiation complete
The Giffords
Quinn watching his first fireworks! Kept saying "more" and "again" afterward