Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Passover '15

For the second year in a row, we had Seder at Mom's house. Uncle Barry led the Seder as usual, and it was a great time... although a little chaotic with all the little kids being hungry/tired/wanting to play. But, as these pictures tell, this family loves to be together! It's harder and harder for me to pay attention and follow along in the Haggadah. The kids are needing attention, there are more entertaining things going on outside of the prayer book, or I'm trying to capture these faces and times with a quick camera flash. But, I love the reason we are all together and the story of Passover itself. Banner has been so excited for this holiday. He's asked to hear the story of Pesach, and he's inquisitive about Pharoah and God and Moses. His questions make me think, and they make me reflect on the meaning of everything. His learning and curiosity have provided great conversation. So, all the talk and reflecting made Seder that much more exciting - almost like the Super Bowl of his studies at school. Here are a "few" pictures of our holiday:

I love this little nugget!
Parsley & salt water face
Not sure if Brycen liked that salt water
Playing with Banner's seder plate he made at school

My first born
Mara & Lilly
Marin & Logan
Marni & Scott
US! :)
Uncle Brock's birthday brownies
Aunt Amber & Levi
Papa & Grandma
Playing with Uggy
Aunt Mischelle & Quinn
Love these boys!
Banner was naming whoever Caden pointed to
Uncle Scott and Banner listening to Uncle Barry
Trying to find the afikomen

Aunt Jacque & Uncle Freddy

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