Monday, February 9, 2015

17-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
This month flew by! There's not entirely too much to report in this newsletter; we've had a pretty boring month! :) But, each day you continue to brighten our lives with your sweet personality. You are so loving and cuddly, so eager to learn and listen, so full of sweetness.

So, here's what I can tell you about this month:
  • You just cut another tooth (grand total is a whooping 7 teeth... we're making some progress considering you didn't get your first one until 12.5 months!). This new one is the bottom left tooth next to the middle teeth. Your middle teeth are so tiny - mostly appearing tinier than they are because they are crooked and turned nearly sideways! Oh, braces, here we come! But, you are so cooperative with toothbrushing and are eager to have your teeth cleaned (or at least suck on the itty bitty bit of toothpaste we put on the brush!).
  • We officially started Toddler & Me classes at school (we went a few times in December, but now we are "enrolled"). Once a week, you and I get to join Banner at Torah service on Thursdays, and then we say goodbye to him to join Ms. Mara's class. You are making great progress there. You have definitely started feeling more comfortable - smiling and listening to Ms. Mara, Ms. Donna, Ms. Rhonda, and Ms. Lisa. I enjoy watching you develop more of a sense of independence as you explore the library, the playground, the gym, and some friends in our class. You are always interested in what Ms. Donna is showing the class on the felt board during library (and you also enjoy taking whatever she puts up there right down!), and you love to play with the balls and roll down the mats in the gym. You like strumming Ms. Lisa's guitar, and you LOVE sitting with Banner at Torah. . . you both actually get along and hold hands during a lot of the assembly. Your first little friends in that class are: Benjamin, Grayson, Blaire, Luca, and Hudson. You typically share your space well with them and can even parallel play nicely.
You at Torah wearing Banner's kipah (which you simply call "hat")
  • To your word list, you've added "apple," "ish" (fish), "bearis" (strawberries, a new favorite food!), turkey, Bot (for Rescue Bots that Banner loves), "gapes" (grapes), and my favorite... "Nice!" usually after you give a kiss or hug.
  • You can tell me what a horse says ("neigh, neigh!"), what a dog says ("wooh, wooh!"), and what a cat says ("moww, moww!"), but you haven't quite locked in cow and sheep - you need me to remind you of those. 
  • Your favorite song is "Twinkle, Twinkle," and you love doing the hand motions to it. You also like "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" and try your best to keep up with the movements - but you mostly jump right to bouncing up and down from knees to toes. Most music interests you; you don't like to be in the car unless music is on, and you shift your attention from whatever you're doing to the music or songs or dancing that might come on TV (recently, I can use the dancing/singing songs from Ella Enchanted to calm you down when you're getting antsy before dinner).
  • You still love to read at night before bedtime. Your favorite book is probably My Name is Not Quinn, a special book made for and given to you by Blakely. We have also started checking out library books at the public library, and we both like the variety of books that adds to our repertoire.
  • You got your MMR shot. Mommy was holding off on this shot like we did with Banner. He didn't get his MMR shot until his 18-month well check, mostly because this is the one shot that just makes me a bit more nervous than the others (for lots of reasons). I have every intention of getting my kids vaccinated, but I tweaked the schedule to make myself a bit more comfortable. . . . UNTIL there was a measles outbreak linked to Disneyland, and then measles cases were being reported too close to home. I heard the story break on the news one night (and I never watch the news!). First thing the following morning, I called Dr. B's office to get you in for your MMR shot. I'm glad I did, even though a week later you spiked a fever and seemed otherwise uncomfortable. But, better that than measles, right!?
  • We talked to Dr. B about your "allergic shiners," the bluish/purple bags under your eyes. We will be watching those more closely to figure out what is going on with that. You've had those most of you life, and I wish they would go away, because when they are not there, your eyes light up so brightly!
  • You are becoming quite the comedian. I think I wrote about this last month, but your silly faces and comedic timing are so funny! Just the other night, you had all of us cracking up with you as you made your silly faces or copied what we asked you to say or do.
  • We celebrated Brycen's 3rd birthday at his house, and you had lots of fun with your cousins! We also just went to Levi's first birthday party! He won't officially be 1 until later this week, but we had a blast celebrating him. He's definitely one of your best buds, and I love watching the two of you interact and play together! 
  • You and Banner are getting along better these days. He's getting more patient with you, and you are understanding what he wants and how to play with him more and more, so you two are starting to have more fun together. You definitely adore him and want to be where he is, and you love when he loves on you!
You and Banner enjoying "afternoon snack" (as Banner calls it)
Quinn, one of the most frustrating things about you is your disastrous sleeping habits. You rarely sleep through the night for more than a few nights in a row. Your naps are unpredictable. We rock you to sleep, and while I know we need to stop that, it's so much easier than the incessant crying that takes place if we don't. So, forgive me when I say that I often dread napping you. But, at the same time, I love the way you feel in my arms. The other day, you fell asleep pretty quickly, but the way you were so snuggly and cuddled in my arms, I didn't want to move. I just wanted to savor the sweetness of your smell and the warmth of your body and the softness of your little arms draped all over me. And, no matter how your night went, you always wake up and want to rest your head on my (or Daddy's) shoulder. You love for us to hold you tight and rub your back or stroke your arm or caress your hand. This is perhaps one of the most special things about you - your loving, tender, sweet, affectionate personality. I hope you never outgrow your cuddliness! I love loving you so much!

Happy 17-Months, Quinn Redding!
I love you so very much!

Swinging at the park a couple days ago - love this face!

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