Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Start of 5 Days!

Dear Banner,
Tomorrow morning marks the first day of your career as a full-time student. Up until now, you've gone to school or camp only 3-days a week, and we've had lots of time to still play at home and learn new things together. Not that any of that stops tomorrow, but it sure feels like I'm losing more of you! You haven't had a real "break" from school or camp until this past week (since camp started immediately after the last day of school this past June). I was not sure how it would go with a whole week at home after you were used to being entertained outside the house by other people for so long, but honestly, this past week has been awesome. Even though both you and Quinn were snotty and not feeling 100%, we did get out a little, and we had such a great time together. I have loved knowing exactly what you did all day, how you behaved, how you interacted, what you learned, what you said... so forgive me if this reminder of having you home all the time has made me more emotional as I send you off to school every weekday this coming year. Luckily, you'll only be there through lunch, and then we have our afternoons together, but it's still so hard for Mommy to let you go off into the big world on your own.

You met your teachers and most of your classmates on Friday, and it seems to be such a great little group of 3-year-olds. I can't wait to watch some new friendships develop and a love for your new teachers grow. You are looking forward to the school year and being back at "your school." (You have told me this summer a couple of times, "I like camp, but I like my school better.") As Daddy and I took you into the building that morning, you said, "I'm so excited!" You wanted to hold both of our hands, and you even said, "Let's do a family kiss, Mommy and Daddy!" So, we stopped in the middle of the parking lot to press our lips against your cheeks as you grinned a big smile! You were confident - but cautious - as we walked into the building and into your new classroom. We explored the classroom, found your new cubby, took a peek into the bathroom, discovered some fun toys and activities, and introduced you to some new faces. When the hour was up, you said goodbye to the teachers and even asked Ms. Hedy, "Are you going to miss me?" :) She thought that was adorable, and she assured you she would miss you very much over the weekend! As we left Meet the Teacher, you wanted to say hello to Ms. Betty and Ms. Jennifer, and it was both awesome and sad to watch you hug these teachers who mean so much to you. When we got in the car, you told me, "Mommy, I like my new teachers, but I like Ms. Betty and Ms. Jennifer better." I told you it was normal to feel that way since you know them so much better but that, with time, you will grow to feel the same way towards Ms. Hedy and Ms. Florence and about your new experiences with the children in your new class.

I love how much you love your school. You didn't want to leave that morning, and you are excited for a new year. It makes my heart so happy to know you will be at a place you love, a place where people love you and where you feel safe and happy. I hope that feeling never fades!

Of course I will write you more tomorrow telling you all about your first day, but until then, I want to wish you a phenomenal year! I love you so very much, and I am so proud of the little boy you have grown to be! Sweet boy, remember who you are tomorrow and every day thereafter. Remember to use your manners, to share, to include. Remember to clean up after yourself, to listen when the teacher is talking, and to participate. Remember it's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to be wrong... and it's okay to be right! Remember it's okay to be scared, it's okay to be upset, it's okay to be happy and excited - and it's always okay to ask for help. Remember to play fair, to stand up for yourself, and to have fun! Remember Mommy's always here for you, waiting to hear about your daily adventures and lessons, and always praying that God will carry you and hold your precious heart while you, MY heart, walk around outside my body. May you make amazing memories this year. May you be safe and nurtured every step of the way.

Have a wonderful year, Angel Baby!


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