Sunday, February 9, 2014

5-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
When Banner turned 5-months-old and we took his monthly photos, I remember thinking, "Now THIS is a fun age!" and so I kept thinking that when you turned 5-months, I would also be feeling the same thing. And, you know what? I am! I was right. Really a couple weeks ago, I felt like things have started getting really fun with you! You are a hoot! Even Daddy said last week, "I think HE'S gonna be the comedian of the family!" referring to you, even though Banner is quite hilarious. You really are so fun, and you bring so much laughter to our already silly family. You LOVE to laugh, smile at anyone who speaks to you, and love to be tickled. In fact, I haven't met anyone as ticklish as you since Aunt Kira was a little girl (she was easily the most ticklish person I have known my whole life). Personally, I hate to be tickled, so I'm always cautious when tickling my boys... giving lots of breathing time and taking your lead on whether you appreciate it or not. You seem to really like it for now. You are also so much more interested in the world around you - grabbing and reaching for toys, recognizing and tuning in to our voices, holding your hands out to touch Banner's hand or to explore Mommy and Daddy's faces, watching us eat, and experimenting with your lips, tongue, hands, and feet.

What else have you been up to this past month?

-You had RSV - a nasty cold that threatened to make you pretty darn sick. Luckily, you were in the minority of 4-month-old babies who get RSV and did NOT have to go the hospital, thank God! An icky cough, a runny nose, a poor appetite, and some restless nights and naps, but you were a trooper through it all. You developed an ear infection during that time, as well, and so far the antibiotics have helped. We will see if it really cleared it up in the coming days.

-You took your first shower this month! Mommy held you in the steamy shower to help open up those airways when you were sick. You loved the water and "cuddling" into me!

-You haven't really regained your appetite yet. You usually take 3-4 ounces very well, and then we have to really work with you to take more. In general, you eat about 5 ounces, and if we are lucky, about 6-7 at a really good feeding.

-Speaking of food, we started rice, oatmeal, and barley cereals this month. You are still figuring out how to eat - how not to push the mush out of your mouth with your tongue, how to open your mouth for the spoon, how to not put your hands in your mouth while we are feeding you! You don't seem to love any of this, but barley and oatmeal are much easier to get you to eat than the rice. I'm hoping when we start veggies and fruits this coming month that you will be more satisfied and enjoy the different tastes. Maybe since you don't have a huge appetite right now, the cereal hasn't gone over great. Or, maybe you really don't like it. I'm not sure which, but I will say that feeding you has become quite a chore for me - and you.

-You're rolling over from belly to back pretty great - and you're trying to figure out how to get from your back to your belly. You are doing a lot of experimenting and getting frustrated that you can't do it yet. But, I'm happy to see you trying to figure it out and working those muscles!

-Your "schedule" right now is all over the place. Since getting sick, you haven't been able to find your "normal" again, and it's undeniably frustrating to me and to Daddy. I'm sure you are frustrated too, and I'm not convinced that you aren't also battling some reflux issues. You don't spit up ALL the time like Banner did, but you certainly seem more bothered by eating. We still haven't been able to drop your middle of the night feeding, even though we only offer you about 2.5 ounces. I think you need that little drink to just calm your belly or your esophagus. . . but I'm no doctor, so I'm just guessing.

-You have your tongue out a large part of your awake time, and you are drooling LOTS. You like to purse your lips together and blow raspberries, and you like it when we tap our fingers against your lips to make rhythmic noises as you say "ahh."

-You will definitely be happier when you can sit upright, so we are working with you to get those sitting muscles prepared. You can sit for a few minutes at a time - but you're mostly slumped over. I don't count this as sitting, but it's a start!

-Just this weekend, you found your feet.

-About two weeks ago, you found my face. You love to reach out and touch my face while I'm feeding you or when I'm burping you. You sometimes pull my face in to yours like you are asking for a kiss or a hug. I LOVE this! I just want to snuggle you all the time! You are very affectionate, and I'm loving that you want to show us your love the same way I want to show you mine!

-You are wearing mostly 6, 6-9, and just today 9-month clothing. You are so tall, so these fit you better. You wear size 3 diapers, and I'm just about ready to order size 4 overnite diapers - I like them bigger so you have more pee space! :)

Quinn, this month has been rough. Daddy and I are very sleep-deprived. Banner hasn't been sleeping well either this month, we've all been under-the-weather here and there or really sick most of the month, and your crazy "schedule" is not helping. But, like I said earlier, 5-months is really a fun time because you are really showing us just how fun you are. You crave our attention, for someone to talk to you, to have someone play with you and really interact with you. You get bored pretty easily if we aren't giving you lots of US. I'm doing the best I can with a toddler who wants just as much attention as you do, so I hope you understand that sometimes it's just hard. I'm hoping we all settle in to a better schedule soon, that you and your brother start sleeping better at night and into the morning (5:30 is not my idea of "time to wake up!"), and that you know how much we want to help you do that but just aren't sure what to do anymore.

Thank you for all those sweet smiles. Thank you for showing me your love when those eyes light up or your head turns to find where my voices is. Thank you for discovering us this month! We are so in love with you and your delightfully sweet personality. You LOVE to be LOVED, and I'm happy to be one of the many who get to love you!

Happy 5 Months, My Love!

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