Saturday, November 9, 2013

2-Month Newsletter: Quinn

Dear Quinn,
Today, you are 2 months old.. months... plural! I can't believe how fast time is flying. I feel as though time is speeding by much faster than it did when Banner was your age. At that time, I felt like I was still living one long day - but now we definitely have starts and stops to our days, even though you are still waking up at night for feedings. Perhaps Banner's schedule makes me feel like yours just fits right in (even though you're not really on a schedule yet). You definitely fit right into our family, and this adjustment has been so easy. Physically, it's difficult to attend to two children at a time, and I always experience some kind of guilt when tending to one child and having the other wait, but mostly, having you join our family has been seamless.

I fall in love with you so much each day. Your sweet smiles ignite a deep love as I see that little sweet personality unfolding and revealing itself. Your eyes have stayed a beautiful blue so far, and your coos are the sweetest, softest sounds that melt Daddy and me. You even kind of coo through some of your cries, and it's both the saddest and most precious thing ever. We just started listening to your lullaby mix at night, and the past three nights of singing and humming them to you bring huge tears that stream down my face as I embrace the quiet night with you. Last night, you were having trouble falling asleep when Daddy was putting you to bed, so I came in to help (you do seem to do better for me right now). You instantly quieted and closed your eyes. I thought you were asleep after a few minutes, but then you opened your eyes wide and were very alert. You smiled a big smile at me - several of them actually. I told you how much I loved you - again and again, and you kept smiling. It was like you were saying "Goodnight, Mommy! I love you, too!" after a long day away from each other. (I had been subbing all day, and this was the longest day we have been apart.) I wept, Quinn! I wept and wept for loving you so much and just wanting you to be safe and sound. Man, do I love you fiercely!

So, what have you been up to this month?

-Like I said above, you smile! You coo! I definitely got your first smile at 4 weeks old, but those were few and far between. You started smiling more at 5 weeks, which is when you first smiled at Daddy. And, by 6 & 7 weeks, you have been smiling various times throughout the day! By 8 weeks, now, I have felt that maybe you were about to laugh, but I haven't heard a real one yet.

-You have been eating about 4 ounces every 3 hours during the day. Just recently, you seem hungrier. We bumped you up to 4.5 ounces last week, and the past couple days we've been experimenting with 5 ounce bottles.

-You slept 8 hours last night: 8:00pm-4:10am. Then, you slept from about 5:15-8:45am. I'm hoping the 8 hour stretch continues and gets even longer!

-Naps are difficult right now. You love to be held, and once I put you down when you fall asleep, you wake up either right away or 25-30 minutes later. But, you are taking about 4 naps a day. Other than trying to get anything done while holding you for your naps, the hardest part of the nap "schedule" is trying to NOT let you nap too close to your bedtime. Your bedtime got earlier and earlier this month. We now start bath at 6:45 every night - sometimes 6:30. You love your bath time, so I like to bathe you each night, although we only use soap every other night. Then, Daddy or I give you a bottle and then try to get you down for the night - which can be difficult if you are overtired. You fight it, but then you typically sleep pretty great after that.

-Speaking of sleep, we have been putting you to sleep on your tummy. You sleep much longer this way. I'm constantly checking on you because we're really supposed to put you to sleep on your back, which is safer, but you love your tummy so much more. And, you've been so congested at night, sleeping on your back helps you breathe better since all that mucus at the back of your throat stays less in your way.

-Your right eye is looking better - a LOT better! Less gunky, not green anymore, and tearing a lot less. From time to time, your eyelids look red or swollen, so I'm not over my concern yet, but it's definitely better and less bothersome to both you and to me!

-Events this month: You had your first Halloween this month, as well as your first "play dates!" You first "played" with Blakely G. and Andrew L., and then the same week, you had a play date with Noah L. We had Marin's 3rd birthday party, you went to your first Race for the Cure walk, you went to Truck Time, and you went to the Arboretum to see all the pumpkins. You also had your first sleepover at Grandma and Papa's house when Daddy & I went to the State Fair with some friends.

You have become so much more alert this month! I'm so happy to see all your grins and to hear all your coos and "almost laughs!" I am so looking forward to all the changes I know this coming month will bring, but I do so love you just as you are now! Tomorrow is your naming ceremony, and I can't wait to tell you all about the significance of your name. And, Monday is your first round of shots at your 2-month well check-up*. I'm dreading that a lot, but I know you will handle it better than I will which gives me some kind of peace! :)

I love you, Quinn Redding! I hope your second month was even better than your first and that life outside the womb is getting more "normal" for you! Happy 2 Months, Sweet Boy!


*After I published this post, you had your 2-month well check-up. It went great! Dr. B is pleased with your growth, and we are happy to report that you are a healthy baby! Other than crying/screaming through your 4 shots, you weren't bothered by Dr. B's exam at all! (You also had an oral vaccine, but you had no problem with that since the nurse just snuck that medicine in while Daddy was feeding you!)

Here are your current stats:

Weight: 12 pounds, 1.5 ounces = 60th percentile
Height: 22.5 inches = 30th percentile
Head Size: 39.25cm = 40th percentile

Oh, and while I'm at it, I'll add in:
-Size 1 Diapers
-Level 1 Nipples
-3M clothes

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