Saturday, March 9, 2013

21-Month Newsletter

Dear Banner,
This month, I swear I fell in love with you even more! I never think that's possible, and then you go and melt my heart even more. You are turning into such a little boy, and while I keep missing my baby, I so enjoy watching your strong personality grow and mature before my eyes each day. You are so funny, so animated, so independent, so communicative, and so smart. One of the most impressive things about you this month is your increasing use of manners. You say "please" and "thank you" at the right times, even surprising us with remembering to use your polite words at various times - especially with your friends. I also love when you say "Bless you!" after someone sneezes and "Sausy" (for "Sorry!") when you owe an apology.

We have to be oh so careful these days, as you repeat EVERYTHING you hear. When cousin Cindy came to visit us, she was telling a story while we ate lunch, and part of her story included a surprised, upbeat "WHAT?!?" Right after she said that, you had us all cracking up as you repeated her perfectly with your own little, "WHAT?!" Speaking of cracking us up, you LOVE an audience. You are quite the little comedian and know it. You take after your daddy a whole lot when it comes to this part of your personality!

In other news this month: you had your first ear infection (left ear) for which the doctor gave you Amoxicillin for 10 days and it cleared right up. You hosted your first Valentine's Day party with a few friends over. You learned lots of new words, like "loud," "sip," "song," "hurt," "bath," "shower,""fall," "grass," "shake," " wind," challah," and "kepah" (just to name a few). When we say "I love you," you say, in the most beautiful sing-song, "I love you, tooooo!" I wish I wrap that little voice up and hear it forever exactly how you say it . . . I guess that's what video cameras are for!

You are also putting more and more words together: "night night, Mommy," or "more Gabba," "bye-bye TV," or "Bless you, Daddy!" You are quite the conversation starter, too - often sitting on a chair, the couch, the fireplace, or even the floor as you say, "So?...." as if you are asking, "What's new?" You are playing pretend more and copying how Mommy and Daddy might pretend - like giving Elmo your paci at bedtime and having Elmo talk back to you.

You can name a few letters: A, O, B, M, U, Z, and S - and sometimes X and Y - although you mix those up sometimes. You're getting good with identifying happy and sad - and you can laugh, smile, and "cry" on command. Your jumping is getting great; you love jumping on your mini-trampoline from Aunt Mischelle & Uncle Brock. You seriously enjoy Mommy & Me - especially the music during Torah service and P.E. time. I know you will really enjoy going to school later this year!

One thing I've never really posted in previous newsletters is that you continue to be bothered by sudden loud noises. Loud doesn't bother you (in fact, your new favorite song is "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" when we whisper and then get loud), but sudden does. Even if you are across the room from me (or Daddy), you will quickly find me (or him) and run over for comfort. You don't cry, but you need reassurance that it's okay. Sometimes you'll even say "Loud!" as you run to us. Then, you typically just want to rest your head on our lap/leg/hand for just a moment before you are ready to continue playing. For example, at play dates, if one of your friends yells or screams, you immediately drop what you're doing and run to me for comfort.

You are getting taller and leaner. You're still eating well (minus hating veggies these days), and you love milk. We've offered juice a few times, and you really don't seem to like it much - which is just fine with us! You still hate brushing your teeth, but we make it a priority! You are desperately in love with your 4, yes FOUR, pacifiers - which will make saying goodbye to them so hard! Your car seat is now facing forward (in my car only), and while you fight me getting in it from time to time, you seem to love being able to watch the traffic better. You continue to point out trucks, buses, and trains everywhere we go. You love your music, too - and you will politely let me know when you are ready for a new, different song by saying, "Please?" You've recently started listening to "Free to Be You and Me," and love the title song, "Parents are People," and "Glad to Have a Friend Like You." You also enjoy listening to audiobooks (especially Goldilocks and the Three Bears which you just call "Bears"). You are still wearing size 4 diapers, 18 month clothes, and size 6 shoes. You typically wake up around 6:45am (give or take half an hour), and we try to have you in your crib by 7:45pm. Depending on when you get up for the day, I try to get you down for nap around 1:00-1:15, and most days you take a 2 hour (or longer!) nap - but not always.

In other fun news, Daddy and I got to tell you that you are going to be a big brother in September! We felt like we needed to tell you, even though we're not sure you will fully understand until much later when you can actually hold your baby sibling. We felt like we were hiding something from you, so we let you know just the other night that Mommy has a baby in her belly. Of course, you did not understand that, looked under my shirt for a baby, looked under your own shirt and touched your tummy as you said, "Baby?", and then looked under Daddy's shirt for a baby. Confusing... I know. But, you'll understand soon, and sweet boy, I cannot wait to watch you become the best big brother. You have 6 months to prepare for this big event in your life, and I'm sad, scared, excited, and anxious for you as our family grows - changing your life forever. But, no matter how different things become, I will always love you with every ounce of my being and every beat of my heart.

Happy 21 Months, Angel!

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