Monday, October 24, 2011

To Market, To Market

In the past two weeks, I've gotten three opportunities to get out of the house after Banner went to sleep for the night. All of those times, I went to shop. I'm not a shopper - at all! I hate it, really. I'm not your stereotypical woman who likes to spend all day at a mall, and I hate running errands to get things, but these particular outings were amazing. Sam stayed with Banner after I settled B into his crib, and I took my sweet time listening to the radio as loud as I wanted before and after wandering the aisles at Babies R Us, Buy Buy Baby, and our "local grocer," as Sam and I like to call it.

I never liked to shop before Banner was born, but now I really find it difficult to do because I'm on his time line. I never know when he's going to be cranky or fussy, and even if I go when he's in a great mood, well fed, and well rested, he just can't sit in his stroller/infant seat for that long. His wakeful time is usually only an hour and a half to two hours, so my errands must be quick between travel time and shopping time.  So, I've realized the best time to actually get these errands completed is after he's asleep for the night, when I can have some alone time and mosey the aisles for however long I want! I can actually THINK about what I need/want instead of having to rush because I'm afraid Banner will go ballistic on me if I don't hurry it up.

I know these are the simple, small things, but hey, I'm a new mom with very little time to myself these days, so I'm appreciating any moment that allows me to just be.

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