Thursday, December 30, 2010

Reflecting on A Crazy Year

Last year at this time, I remember not wanting to welcome 2010. One major reason that I recall is that I'd be saying goodbye to my wedding year. 2009 was such a great year of planning and excitement getting ready for my wedding and settling into married life. But, as time will not stand still, 2010 had to come eventually. And, did it ever make it's impact! I don't really know the best way to describe this year as it had some major ups and some major downs. I remember eating a black-eyed pea on New Year's Day last year - participating for the first time in a superstitious tradition that my aunt has always encouraged us to choose. Well, I listened this year, and I'm not sure if it was a good thing or not. I'm a little torn on whether to partake in the black-eyed pea eating again this year. So, let me take this opportunity to reflect on my year and make a good, well-thought out decision.

This year:
  • Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She endured numerous surgeries, biopsies, and recoveries along with chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She lost her breasts, she lost her hair, she lost her energy. But, she fought with courage and bravery. And, she's cancer-free and she's won so much more than she lost!
  • I met my youngest nephew, Colby, this year. He's precious, and it's fun to get to know his personality and to watch Colby's big brother, Miles, become just that - a big brother.
  • I watched my oldest nephew, Caden, walk across the stage to get his Kindergarten diploma after a year of being his school counselor - a treat not many aunts get! And, then, I welcomed my niece, Mara, to her Kindergarten year as her school counselor as well.
  • We said goodbye to some of our dear friends - Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Sun, Jin, Sayid, Claire, and the possibility that Charlie really didn't die! We will miss Lost dearly.
  • Sam survived the scariest moment in both of our lives on the last day of school last spring. His car turned over 3 times, and he was able to go home from the ER after only 7 hours of being monitored for internal injuries. Miraculously, he was able to walk away from an accident that could have drastically injured or killed him.
  • My little brother graduated from high school the day after Sam's accident. His DVD highlighting the past four years of high school was presented to the entire graduating class and commencement audience. He did a great job!
  • 2 weeks after Sam's accident, we spent 2 weeks in Europe and on the Mediterranean! We went to Spain, France, England, and Italy in a matter of a few days of each other. We ventured to places we'd only ever heard about, ate amazing foods, relaxed on an unforgettable cruise, and saw more statues than we could have imagined.
  • We celebrated my 30th birthday in a way I would never want to change. I was surprised by my friends and family before the actual day, then we were at sea on my actual birthday, and we celebrated in a very romantic, emotional evening just glad that we were both together and alive.
  • I got to pick out a car of my choosing when we got back from our honeymoon. And, I still love it!
  • Although I had surgery right when the school year was starting, I was finally able to put an end to some troublesome issues, and I healed easily and quickly.
  • We celebrated our first anniversary by staying at the same hotel in which we got married, exchanged some of the best gifts ever, and ate year-old cake that tasted better a year later than it did on our wedding night.
  • I helped to co-captain a team in honor of my mother's survival and to help raise money for Race for the Cure in Dallas. Our team, Saving Second Base, not only had some of the cutest shirts the morning of the race, but we also raised over $10,000 with help from family and friends!
  • My best friend allowed me the opportunity to be a matron-of-honor in her wedding. She was the last of my close friends to get married, and we went "all out" that weekend! We had a blast both that night and during all the events (showers, bachelorette parties, dinners) beforehand.
  • We were introduced to our newest cousin, Marin! Only a couple months after she was adopted, her parents announced that Marin would be a big sister in June!
  • In October, we found out we had finally conceived! After months of trying, we were elated to find out we had a baby on the way. We also got to share our news this calendar year, and we have so much to be thankful for.

So, if I look back at my list and think of all the things that have happened, even the horribly scary things - everything turned out well in the end! Maybe I will eat another black-eyed pea this year. Here's to 2011 being filled with only amazing events and blessings!

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