Friday, August 6, 2010

I Don't Wanna Do It

"Don't make me go! I don't wanna do it!" I feel like screaming as my summer ends and I get ready to be forced back into the work life I have NOT missed at all. I have loved being a stay-at-home-wife and homemaker this summer. I am so not ready to go back to work, back to the routine of getting up early, being a big girl, and being responsible for anything outside this household I love so much. I really don't have much to say other than I feel like a toddler running after her mother down the hallway of the preschool at which the kid doesn't want to stay! Just like that kid, I know I'll be fine. I know as soon as I'm back in that building, back in my office, I will calm down and will really enjoy seeing my friends and all those familiar, sun-kissed student faces. I know it's inevitable that my autonomous summer must leave me behind until next year, but I'm entitled to a little bit of crying, bitching, moaning, groaning, whining, temper-tantrum-throwing, and utter frustration at doing something I don't want to do yet! I'm just not ready. Just like that toddler wants to play with her toys at home and spend time with her mommy, I want to be on my own time, available to make dinner and clean the house and run errands and play with friends and spend time with MY mommy and eat when I want and wear shorts or jeans whenever I want and not be exhausted by the end of the day! Sam asked me the other day, "Is there ANYTHING you're looking forward to about going back to school?" My response: "Yes, my days off!" Good answer, right? No, really, I DO like my job, and I'm glad I have one and that I really enjoy it when I'm there... it's just that having a reminder of what it's like to live with such little stress and responsibility simply reminds me of how much I like to not be stressed out with work-related issues and how much I love spending carefree time with Sam and my family and friends. So, call me a toddler if you'd like, but when it comes to saying goodbye to the lazy days of summer and the freedom I've had to play for about 7 weeks, I DON'T WANNA DO IT!


  1. Your days off and after work happy hours! :)
    I'm coming to visit at least once a week...I knew it would be around this time that it felt strange to not be going back.
