Saturday, July 6, 2013

Camp Mommy: Weeks 3-4

The last two weeks of Camp Mommy have been slightly less eventful but definitely not less fun! I'm still loving this special time with my only child before he becomes a big brother. The heat let up a bit these past couple weeks, and what a nice treat that has been for everyone. We have been busy, busy, and I'm hoping Banner is truly savoring this much Mommy/Banner time as much as I am!

Banner started and completed a two-week swim class and is becoming more confident in his swimming abilities. In class, we worked on how to jump in the pool, how to get to the side of the pool and walk along the wall, how to get out of the pool (dangerously close to teaching him how to get out of his crib!), how to float, how to reach out with big arms, and how to properly use a life jacket (which Banner only let me put on him because I told him if he ever wanted to go out on Zaide's boat, he'd HAVE to wear a life jacket!). His favorite activity at the pool was climbing on the little jungle gym they had placed in the middle of our swim class. He loved jumping off of it to me. We're still working on feeling comfortable and confident going under water, but he's getting great at knowing when to take a breath and how to hold it so water doesn't go up his nose!

We also went to an indoor park where Banner had the BEST time! I loved it, too, because he actually stayed put playing most of the time, and I didn't have to run and chase him for the almost-two hours we were there! It had a pretend/make believe area, robotic animal rides, a train to ride, and lots of slides, playscapes, and balls to play in! Banner had actually never played in a real ball pit - just the make-shift ones at birthday parties and play dates (in Pack-n-Plays and in little kiddie pools). He was in heaven! I tried so hard to capture his laughter and smiles because it made my heart melt every time he giggled or looked back up at me with the biggest grin!
Looking out of the train car
Other fun things we did during these two weeks: Banner got to "meet" his baby brother at my 28-week doctor's appointment - he got to see him on the sonogram and hear his heartbeat; we went to the splash park again; we met friends at one of my new favorite parks up north; we swam at Grandma's house; we celebrated my birthday; we had dinner with Zaide, Uncle Marc, NaNa, and Uncle Paul; we baked cookies and made dinners for Baby Blakely's and Baby Arielle's families; we swam at the outdoor pool at the rec center and LOVED it; we picked a paint color for Banner's new big boy room AND bought a big boy bed - although we aren't ready to use it anytime soon!; we made some fun 4th of July crafts (and Banner never attempted to eat the paint, glue, or paper - which has made such a difference in trying new projects!); we had a 4th of July play date at Casey's house; we had a swim play date at Brayden's house; Banner had his annual 3rd of July sleepover at Grandma's; we had loads of holiday fun on the 4th; Banner had a play date with cousin Colby; we met Grandma & Papa for a Chinese dinner; Daddy took Banner to another Home Depot project; we went to an indoor park called Going Bonkers; and we got to see Uncle Brock & Aunt Mischelle's new house.
July 4th Play Date at Casey's
Our shadow on the way to swim lessons - don't know why but I just love this
Gluing the flag
Love this look of such concentration as he put star stickers on the flag
At Home Depot with Daddy
This was actually LAST month, but only pic I have of him making a project
The car Sam & Banner made together
Going Bonkers with Daddy
"Hi, Mommy!"

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