Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Welcome to the World, Nami!

Just yesterday, March 19, we welcomed my newest nephew to our family! Nami is the sixth member of my brother and sister-in-law's family: Brock, Mischelle, Caden, Mara, Brycen, and now this little baby! These are some of my most favorite people on the planet, so it was exciting to be a part of their celebration as they welcomed Nami into their hearts and lives.

I took Banner up to the hospital to see Mischelle before her scheduled C-section and to wish the whole family good luck as they awaited the cries of their littlest member only a few minutes later. When we arrived, we were shocked to see Brycen and Banner wearing their "Dr. Love" shirts at the same time again (the first time was on Valentine's Day). Too cute! Mom, Dad, and Brock were all eagerly awaiting the nurse to come take Mischelle back into the OR, where Brock would help deliver Nami, Mom would sit by Mischelle, and Dad would relay news to us. Kira, Caden, Mara, Brycen, and Bob waited with us in the labor and delivery room, and watching Brycen and Banner kept us quite entertained.

Sooner than we expected, my dad came into the room we were waiting in to tell us that the baby and Mischelle were both doing well. We were relieved to hear this great news, as well as to know that Nami's cleft lip and palate were pretty much exactly what we had expected to see based on the sonogram photos taken when Mischelle was 33 weeks pregnant. Although we know Nami has a tough road ahead of him to repair his clefts, we were thrilled to know that he didn't have any other medical problems.

After another short wait, Mischelle was brought back into the room with Nami. We finally got to see that sweet boy and to see for ourselves that his clefts really were what we expected and that he was just perfect! His tiny body was so pink, his black hair was fine and soft, his eyes opened and closed to occasionally check out his big brothers, sister, and cousin, his little fingers and toes spread way open as the nurse diapered and checked on him. Such a cutie!

A few moments later, he was given back to Mischelle who cuddled, cradled, and nuzzled his little face close to hers. Although I never cried, I fought back tears the whole time. I didn't feel sorry for him for his clefts like I thought I might. What I felt was love. Pure, emotional, raw, new love. It's the same way I felt when I saw Caden, Mara, and Brycen for the first time - the love an aunt feels for her nephews or nieces, wanting the best for them, wanting them to feel no pain, wanting them to know how lucky they are to be born into this amazing family, wanting them to feel loved and protected. I also had an overwhelming feeling of excitement knowing I'd be welcoming my own little one in 6 months. There was this "can't wait!" feeling knowing my little nugget is growing and on the way soon. I just can't wait to watch all these kids grow up together and to be in each others' lives.

All too quickly it was time for us to go so I could put Banner down for a late nap (which he never actually took!). But before we left, I had to get my quick chance to hold Nami. Banner was already in his stroller waiting to leave, and when that baby was placed in my arms - all hell broke loose! Banner wailed and cried and tried to get out of the stroller. He did not like seeing a baby in Mommy's arms! Uh oh!! We have some major preparing to do before September!

Later in the evening, Sam and I went back up to the hospital so Sam could meet Nami and visit Mischelle and Brock. Sam was in love! He kept saying how adorable Nami is! I think he, too, got a little more excited about OUR baby while holding his baby nephew!

We were ecstatic, too, to get great news that Nami is able to nurse without any special help! This was a big surprise to us since we weren't sure how his clefts would impact breastfeeding. We also found out that Nami passed his hearing test - another big hurdle to know that his hearing has not been affected by anything! We are all hopeful that everything continues to go smoothly for Mom, Baby, and Family! Nami has a long journey ahead of him, and so do his parents. But, this was such a spectacular day of good news, a beautiful baby boy, and a growing family!

"Dr. Love" checking on Baby

The other "Dr. Love" checking on Baby
Mischelle said to give Baby a kiss
Grandma goofing off before heading to the OR
Grandma with her "Dr. Loves"
My first photo of Nami
Caden, Banner, Mara, and Nami
Big brother watching over baby brother
I love him looking at her

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Thanks... You're one of my most favorite people too! Love you!
