Sunday, January 17, 2021

Quinn's Preschool Artwork

Dear Quinn,
One of the hardest, yet silliest, things as a parent is knowing how to archive your many projects you bring home from school and camp. With so many pieces of art and hard work you do at school, Daddy and I go back and forth on the best way to save your masterpieces. Should we save everything and let you decide what to do with it when you're older? Will you remember a certain project more than others and wish we hadn't thrown it away? Should we post it on the fridge and for how long? Your preschool years flew by, and my heart wants to just keep all of it and treasure every little thumbprint, brush stroke, glue glob, and yes, even the messy sand or rice that is falling off the pages a few years later. But, I also know you'll be annoyed with me if I don't weed through a lot of it; I know you don't want to inherit a mess of various pieces of construction papers, painted clothespins, or glittered paper plates. So, I photographed a lot of it and saved just a few (mostly the ones with handprints or pictures of you). Here are some of my favorites you've brought home over the years:

February 2019 (5 years)

Passover 2018 Placemat - Front


Artwork done at Ms. Kim's 2019

Done with Ms. Kim 2019

Camp Gan Izzy Bunk 1 Photo - 2017

Summer 2016; Camp Ruach at Anshai

May 2017

October 2017

Art Fest 2017

Art Fest 2019 (5 years)

Self-Portrait - 2 years old

Toddler Class: Self Portrait (2 years old)

2 years

Camp Ruach at Anshai 2016 (2 years)

October 2015 - 2 years (Toddler Class)

Spring 2016 (2 years; Toddler class)

Spring Art Fest 2017 (3.5 years old)

PreK 3s year (even though you're 4 here)

I know it's all out of order, but it's a good sample of some great stuff you brought home from school or camp each year. Gosh, I wish I could just bottle you up as a preschooler and cuddle you like that forever, but it has been amazing watching you grow up, too! My sweet boy, you are talented and creative, imaginative and focused. These works of art show all of that. 

Thank you for sharing your work!
I love you,

Preschool Teachers:
2015-2016 Toddler Class: Ms. Tali & Ms. Allison
2016-2017 Two's Class: Ms. Rachel, Ms. Randi, Ms. Shirly, Ms. Robyn
2017-2018 Three's Class: Ms. Bev & Ms. Meghan
2018-2019 PreK: Ms. Morgan, Ms. Meghan, Ms. Kalia then back to Ms. Bev