Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Day with the Ducks

Cherie had this great idea to picnic at the pond near her house this weekend. The weather was perfect for it - not a cloud in the sky, not a raindrop nearby, and the perfect temperature and breeze. I'm sure my allergies will pay for the outing we had, but I so enjoyed being out of the house, feeding the ducks, watching Banner run around, and enjoying a nice lunch with friends. Here are some pics from our fun day with the ducks!

Duckie Sandwich!

Avery walking with Banner
Avery and Landry
Alan & Marin
Loving the bridge
Banner wanted to see through the cracks

Everyone (but Mommy) on the bridge
Silly Jed
Sweet cousins
Landry & Marin walking with their daddy and Papa
Banner giggled at the duck with his tush in the air
Wearing Daddy's sunglasses
Mr. Cool

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Bash

I've always thought Valentine's Day was a bit over-rated. I've never been a huge fan of it, and when I was single, it never really bothered me to not have a "Valentine" to celebrate with. It's simply a silly holiday that puts way too much pressure on everyone - men, women, parents, kids, teachers. And, honestly, every day should be a day spent telling the ones we love just that - that we love them! But... the silly holiday certainly gives us a good reason to have a fun play date. So, this year, we had:
Banner's Valentine's Day Bash 
at his "bachelor pad." We invited some of his age-group friends to share in a play date at our house with a few treats to honor the day of love. And, while I still think the holiday is unnecessary, the play date was nice and gave us a good opportunity to see some friends at our house. Here are a few pictures from the day's events. 

"How many more times do I have to say CHEESE!?"
Ella going in for a kiss!
Sami, Zeina, and Adam were our first guests!
Play time break for some berries
Banner & Ella
Miss Myka
Cousin Brycen showed up in the same outfit!
"Why are you wearing what I'm wearing?!"
My giggly boy
Brayden & Myka enjoying a lunch date
Shootin' some hoops
Just checkin' out what Myka's eating for lunch
Play time outside!
After the play date, I headed to the hospital where my mom was just being moved to the recovery room after a surgery she had today. Sam had been up there while I was entertaining, and once he got home, I spent the afternoon waiting to see her. Thank goodness her surgery went well, and she was in good spirits this evening. Hopefully, she'll be home tomorrow afternoon, settling in at home and feeling well. THAT is my Valentine's Day wish!

Once home, Sam, Banner, and I enjoyed a delivered meal from our favorite Chinese restaurant. No clean-up, no hassle, and no worrying about what to make! Great V-Day gift for me! Then, Sam gave me my Valentine's Day cards - SO not expecting this. I told Sam I had not even thought about cards and that I felt badly for not getting him or Banner anything. He, sweetly, told me that the play date today was my gift to Banner, and that was enough for him, too! Oh, how awesome my husband is!

Later, Sam and I had our "traditional" chocolate fondue dessert after Banner went to sleep. We were out of regular chocolate chips, so we improvised with left-over Hershey's Kisses from the play date. We decided this was the best chocolate fondue recipe we've used. Here's the recipe:

5 oz of Hershey Kisses (yes, we unwrapped each one as we weighed them out!)
1/4 cup of half-and-half
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
*Melt Hershey Kisses in bowl over boiling water. Stir in half-and-half. Once blended and melted, remove from heat and add vanilla extract. Stir well and go to town with your favorite dip-ables (marshmallows, strawberries, bananas, pound cake, etc)! YUM!

My cards from Banner & Sam
From Banner
Unwrapping and weighing the Kisses
One of the worst pics of us, but at least we got one!
I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day! Over-rated or not, it's a good reminder to keep telling all those special people in your life that you love them! And, oh, how I love my family and friends!