Sunday, February 25, 2024

And Another Year Makes 8! (Knox's Newsletter)

Dear Knox,

Well, here we are, a week after your 8th birthday, and I'm just now sitting down to write about all things YOU at 8-years-old! Life is busy and moving so fast these days, it's hard to settle down to try to capture all the words that describe you at this age. So, let me jump right in to the details. 

What are you like at 8?! Oh man, where do I even begin?

  • When I think of Knox, I think: loud, scrawny, energetic, bold, demanding, cuddly, so smart, friendly, impulsive, silly, giggly, picky, inquisitive, quick, curious, sensitive, impatient, and sometimes angry and irritable.
  • It's hard for me to remember that you are a big kid now, when you still really want to curl up in my lap and let me hold you, want me to flip you or let you stand on my hands as I hold you in the air while I lay on my back on the ground, are still so physically small, and want to have someone with you all the time.
  • You are definitely the baby of the family. You demand a lot of our attention whether it's by being exceptionally loud or by whining about what's for dinner or by impatiently insisting on our presence wherever you are. (For example, you won't go up or downstairs without someone being there with you, won't go to the garage to get in the car unless someone is with you, won't let us step outside to take Tova out if no one else is inside with you.)
  • You have a filthy mouth - both figuratively and literally. Your braces and expander make brushing hard, and food gets stuck all the time. You also cuss like a pirate, but we've decided that if it helps you deal with your frustration, we're willing to let you have a safe space at home to use whatever words you want (except calling people names, which is never allowed). So far (knock on wood!) you've been able to keep your mouth clean at school, but I'm fearful you're getting a little too comfortable with cussing. 
  • Speaking of your mouth, you are very particular about what goes in it. We've just started speech and occupational therapy for your issues with food and various sensory issues (like putting socks on and feeling comfortable in them and tolerating brushing your teeth better). You are such a picky eater, but when you got pickier and stopped eating foods you once would, we decided to get an evaluation for OT and ST. You are just now starting to get that therapy, and I'm hopeful it will help you eat a variety of foods. There is not one vegetable you eat, and your fruit choices are down to bananas, apples, and, very rarely, cherries. What you DO eat, you eat very little of. 
  • You've played soccer all year now, and the indoor winter season was the best so far. You grew in your skills and in your determination to want to succeed. I'm excited to see what this spring season brings, as you and your teammates work together better and better. (Favorite teammates: Isaac V., Isaac S., Elliott, Nathan D., Landon, Luke)
  • You are a really good friend! You have the best "friend group" as you call it. You love Reid and Clark and Luke, RJ and Case, Desmon, Elliott, and Esther and Bella, Enaya, Elsa, and your girlfriend of 3 years now, Mila - still going strong there!
  • In school, you continue to grow. You're reading at a mid-third grade reading level, and in almost every area you are above grade level. You love PACE usually, but it definitely gets you frustrated. We will continue to work on staying calm during those time. You are very well behaved at school, though. You might cry during PACE when you hit a roadblock, whereas at home, you yell and cuss and throw things and then blame me for everything that's wrong. 
  • You hate sleeping alone. We've (temporarily?) moved your trundle mattress into Quinn's room, and you've been sleeping in there for about 3 weeks. It (usually) helps you and Quinn both get to sleep faster. You really just hate being anywhere alone, as I mentioned above.
  • You are funny and have the best memory. You also have the best vocabulary and constantly shock us with the words you use that we didn't even know you know. The other day, you said something about figurative language after Quinn used the word "hyperbole." It was awesome!
  • We celebrated your birthday by reading your annual I Believe the night before. Then, in the morning, we did our traditional balloons in bed and donuts/kolaches for breakfast. I brought you McDonalds for lunch at school, and for dinner, we went out to Nerdvana. So many of your favorite things all in one. Then, on Monday (which was Presidents Day so there was no school that day or the day after), we had a big turn out for your party at Free Play. You got some great gifts and many of the things you were asking for (Robux, V-bucks, hooded towels, Lego sets, and gift cards... you used one of the gift cards to buy yourself a SpiderMan web shooter you've been wanting, and you've played with it nonstop).
  • We had your well-check with Dr. B. Here are your stats:
    • Weight: 49 pounds = 8th percentile
    • Height 48.25 inches = 20th percentile
    • BMI: 14.7 = 20th percentile
  • That 8th percentile in weight had Dr. B a little concerned, and he was glad we already had you in speech/feeding therapy. We really do need to get you to eat a larger variety, and you need to eat larger amounts of the foods you WILL eat. You are just so darn stubborn and refuse to branch out.
Knox Morgan, I sure do love you with all my heart. Still, you have become a challenge for me more and more with your fiery temper, your strong will, and your very particular preferences. Underneath all of that, you still are a cuddly, affectionate, sweet boy. You will sometimes just stop whatever you're doing and come up to me, especially when I seem stressed or overwhelmed, and say, "Can I give you a hug?" You are so very kind and loving to Tova (most of the time). Like last night, we were watching a Lost episode, and there were these sudden, loud noises throughout the episode (when the island was moving from one time to another), and you would run to Tova and cover her ears for her. You love to cuddle her and make sure she is okay. You love your time with your friends and your family - always asking if we can go to Grandma's house or to spend time with your cousins. You are fiercely protective of your friends - giving them advice on how to stand up to (what you call) bullies and wanting everyone to be included. You also really know how to manage your feelings and behaviors when at school, and for that, I appreciate you. We, at home, though, are your punching bags. You are loud, mean, rude, angry, and often irrational. 

I think that most of this is related to your brothers and not feeling heard - being the littlest and having to make your stance, your needs, your feelings loud and clear. When your brothers aren't around, you're usually a delight and easy to spend time with. You especially "butt heads" with Banner. The two of you are seemingly always "at" each other. But at the same time, you will ask (or he will ask) if you can sleep in his room, and you two stay up and chat. I think you two are more alike than different, and that's exactly why you have this deep love/hate relationship. You're super close with Quinn, and while you do fight with him some (like all siblings do with each other), you two are silly, imaginative, creative, and funny together. You are great playmates for each other. 

8 years have come and gone so quickly, and the years are only going faster at this point. I hope you've had the best year as a 7-year-old, and I hope the coming year is even better. 

I love you so much, Baby Love!!
Mid-day lunch visit at school!