Sunday, July 11, 2021

Camp Send-Off

Today, you left for camp after nearly 16 months of straight family time. Yes there were a few overnights with a small group of trusted friends or cousins, but for the most part, you two have been glued to our house for such a long time, it feels surreal that you are away at camp for the first night tonight, and I can't call or find out what you're up to right away. My guess is that by now you've read the letter I packed in your luggage. But for safekeeping, here you are - my letter to you as start your first (Quinn) and longest (Banner) sleep-away experience at GFC:

Dear Banner & Quinn,


Welcome to camp!! This is a special day for all of us. I am thrilled that you wanted to spend time at one of my favorite places, and I hope that you will continue to develop special memories at the same place I called my “home away from home” for many years (6 to be exact). Going to sleep-away camp is a privilege. Not all kids get to go, and I hope you know how lucky you are to get this experience. My wish for you is that you make the most of it and learn so many things to bring home and share with us.


Camp is a place for all kinds of new things to happen. Make new friends, try a new food, learn a new skill, explore new ideas, discover something about yourself. These are all bound to happen in the coming days, and I can’t wait to hear all about it. Greene is a special place. It’s a place where it’s fun to challenge yourself. It’s okay to make mistakes, and it’s okay to fail here. You’ll find that it’s a safe place to be your true self and find total and complete acceptance. Some of the people you meet here will be lifelong friends. If you’re like me, you’ll end up in college with many of them. You’ll call many of them best friends. Maybe some will be groomsmen in your wedding, maybe you’ll want them to meet your family one day. Perhaps you’ll even send your kids to camp together years from now.


Camp is the Shabbat of the year. You’ll hear this phrase again and again, and it’s true. It’s a magical place where you’ll find peace, calm, and fun. My hope is you’ll come home and ask that I sign you up again for next summer and start counting down the days until next year. It’s a place where you can unwind and relax, where you have to be off screens so you can disconnect from the technology world in order to connect with nature, with people, with yourself. Use this time to be totally present and focused on here and now.


During this time, I know you’ll learn new songs (maybe, like me, you’ll even sing them to your own kids one day), make new memories, laugh with new friends, and become more independent. You’ll be creative and learn how to be away from home and “on your own.” It’s a place to question and challenge yourself and your religion. It’s a place to know that everyone around you is Jewish – a rare thing to happen in the “real world.”


I know you will miss being home. I know you’ll miss your screens, you’ll miss your own bed, and maybe even your family! J But take this time to really BE and to enjoy yourself. You’ll be home soon enough – back to the regular routine and back to school. But, in these coming days and weeks, just focus on giving the most you can to this experience. The more you contribute, participate, listen, focus, behave, volunteer – the more you will get out of your time here. You will grow more as a person, you’ll have more fun, and you’ll find more joy and laughter with friends.


Have a fantastic time! Don’t forget to…. wipe your butt, use a Kleenex not your finger, drink lots of water, wear sunscreen, eat vegetables and fruits, use soap, keep up with your belongings, mind your manners, get lots of sleep, include others, cry if you need to, ask for help when you need it, be safe in the pool, take care of your voice (nodules, nodules!), and write home as often as you can!! Oh, and bring all the memories home, carry them with you forever. ENJOY!

I miss you already, but we’ll all be okay.

I love you MORE!

