Saturday, August 17, 2019

Three and a Half: Knox's Newsletter

Dear Knox,
I'm a day late in publicly wishing you a happy HALF birthday, but it's been on my mind for a while that your half-birthday was sneaking up on us as a new school year started! I have been dreading it because it means we're half-way done with you being three, and that just makes me sad. Although you are definitely a "THREEnager," you are also always my baby, and I want to keep you little as long as possible.

So, what have you been up to lately?

-You are quite opinionated and show your frustration like no other. Your angry face has become a fish face where you suck your cheeks into your teeth and grit down. You'll scream, "Look at my face!" and you look around trying to find the closest thing to hit or slap. You are stubborn, strong-willed, and defiant - so perfectly three.

-You would speak in baby talk all day if I let you.

-Saying you're sorry is still a really hard thing for you to do. But, with time and space, eventually you will fess up and apologize for your part of a mishap.

-You dropped your nap at the beginning of the summer, and your witching hours are between 3:00-5:00pm when you are quite crabby. This is usually when I allow some screen time to help you stay calm and relaxed for all of our sakes. You could watch YouTube Kids all day long if I let you. You know how to use the microphone to tell the iPhone or iPad what you want to watch, and you navigate your way through the app so well.

-You went to Camp Gan Izzy this summer for the first time and LOVED it. Ms. Terissa was your favorite counselor, and you made a few new friends.

-Since your last newsletter, you have officially stopped using any pacifiers (ended shortly after your birthday), and you haven't had a diaper on in I don't remember how many months! You have Quinn's bladder with the ability to hold your pee all night and hours into the morning... even when we ask you to go potty first thing, you won't and demand, "I don't need to go!"

-Your bedtime routine has gotten much shorter now. Many nights after bath time and reading or watching a show, you tell us that you're tired and ready to go to bed. We no longer use the glider at all - much to my disappointment and sadness. You like me to lay in your toddler bed with you for a few minutes and cuddle while the projector spins on your ceiling and we sing one to four songs (usually "Lullaby," "Twinkle," "Side by Side," or "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"), and then I say goodnight to you and slowly make my way to your doorway - when you ask me nearly nightly, "Mommy, can we go to Chuck E. Cheese tonight?" and I respond, "Not tonight; maybe another night." Then you say, "Okay. Goodnight, Mom!" 😃

-This was the semester that you conquered your stage fright. During your March Hebrew Shabbat, there were officially no tears for the first time!

-You've been going to Emler swim school since January, and this summer it's like a lightbulb went on! You LOVE swimming to me, jumping in the pool, and seeing how far you can swim. You still don't know how to come up for air yet, but you have great breath control and use your arms and legs very well. You used to hate going to swim lessons, but now you look forward to it eagerly!

-A quick snapshot of what you LOVE at 3 and a half: swimming, practicing chewing bubble gum (you have swallowed more pieces than spit them out at this point), dancing and playing your air guitar, Avery babysitting, lollipops, juice of any kind, M&M yogurt, Danimal smoothies, Ms. Bev, having iPhone time, kolaches, donuts for breakfast, Mommy, going to the library (to play on the iPads!), your Yo Gabba Gabba shirt, Daniel Tiger, Old Town Road song, Aladdin, watching a show after bath, color baths, Wyatt, Asher, Zohar, waking up and getting in our bed to cuddle first thing in the morning, Pringles, bagels with cream cheese, taking a lunch to school/camp (which is so rare because we do hot lunches at school year round!), apples (I can't eat one around you, or you will usurp it!), popsicles, riding your bike, Daddy and I "swinging" you between us as we walk

-My favorite things you say: "Hey little MAN!" in an angry voice when you're mad at someone, and when that someone is Quinn, you nag him with, "Okay, Quinny-Quinn-Quinn-Quinn-Quinn!?!?!" Nearly every time we have arrived at our destination, you ask, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" knowing we are. "What is my BUTT doing?" when you're dancing. And the obvious, "I love you, Mommy!"

At the end of April, we had our parent/teacher conference with Ms. Hani and Ms. Valerie. After two years with them as your teachers, the first thing they said to us with huge smiles on their faces made me tear up: "Knox loves to make people smile. He genuinely cares about others and gets upset when they are hurt or sad. His smile lights up the room. And he's funny! He loves to make others laugh." The images that came to my mind were of your silly, wide-eyed smile, your spastic yet hilarious dances, your crazy faces you make, your tushy wiggles, your funny voices, your giggles when being tickled. Your smile certainly lights MY world up, but it was so remarkable to hear your teachers notice that, to have these sweet ladies mention that you are a light to them, too. Your deep concern and care of others, your sweetness to your friends and teachers - those are traits I observe in you, as well. You may not be like that to your brothers all the time, but I see how respectful you are to others and how you try to be such a leader.

Knox Morgan, let's take the next 6 months to just enjoy three. Three is a hard age, sir. It's full of temper tantrums and meltdowns and time-outs and redirections. It's lots of "I wanna do it!" and "My turn!" and "Let ME try!" and "That's MINE!" It's attitude and asserting yourself and demanding to be seen and heard. Three is shouting what you want and what you don't while not understanding why you can't get your way all the time. Three is finding "No" unacceptable, causing a tornado of emotions. Three is the unleashing of frustration and the finding of freedom all at the same time. Three is still trying to learn how to express yourself while trying to understand the world around you. Three is defiance, indecision, and impatience all while wanting power, control, and attention. But, let's really try to be patient with each other, to learn from one another, and to embrace the hard. After all, three is also cuddles and snuggles, tickles and laughter, piggyback rides and airplane rides. It's hand-holding, kisses, hugs, and sitting in my lap. It's falling asleep in the carseat, sippy cups, kissing boo boos, lullabies, and laying "keppe" on Mommy. I sure do love being your Mommy, sweet boy!

Happy Half-Birthday, Knoxaluh!
I LOVE YOU, Baby Love!