Sunday, April 16, 2017

14-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Last night, I went back and reread each post to Banner and Quinn on their 14-month birthdays. Oh, how similar you all are! At 14-months old, you are all about the same developmentally, with one big exception of the number of words you have. I'm thinking that as a third child, you just can't get a word in! While you may have had more words earlier on, we haven't seen any growth in this area this month. That could be because you had an ear infection that lingered for most of the month. It could be because you are so focused on your receptive language, or it could be that your brothers set the bar pretty high. I'm not concerned at all, Baby Love. You have a good 8 words/phrases (ball, here, more, up, bye bye, hi, Dada, all done, "I did it!") which is still perfectly on track developmentally. But.... I will be focusing on this more this month and making more of an effort to hearing you say more words - and not letting your brothers talk for you!

What else are you up to this month?

-You love putting things around your neck and shoulders. You'll see a pair of big brother's pajama bottoms, and you'll swing them back around your neck like a man throwing a towel around his shoulders at the gym. You do this with kitchen towels, charging cords, toy stethoscopes, etc...

-You had a cold (with pink eye) that turned into an ear infection. After one round of amoxicillin, you were doing better for about two days, but on the (Friday) night that Daddy left for Tennessee to say a final goodbye to Papaw, you had the worst night of your life - and mine!  :( We were up until about 3:30am - and nothing I did helped you sleep better. If you did fall asleep, you'd wake up the next time you moved, about 30-45 minutes later (just in time for me to have fallen to sleep for a few minutes and then feel like I'd been hit by a train when you'd wake me again). Around 2:30am when I realized that the doctor's office had Saturday hours, I was relieved that I could take you to the doctor as soon as they opened - and not have to wait for our Monday recheck appointment. Sure enough, ear infection was still there! We began another round of antibiotics (this time, omnicef) and another round of eye ointment to help with lingering pink eye. I'm still not sure that ANY of that ointment ever made it into your eyes; I'm glad that 10 day treatment is done. As of two days ago, your ears were clear, and we're hoping they stay that way!

-You're climbing on everything. Your favorite is stools around the house. The problem is, you're not so sure about how to get down.  You've mastered getting on and off the couch, though! So, that's helpful!

-Hugs!! You're in to giving hugs to your brothers and to us. I love playing a game with you, where you run away from me, then turn around and run back to give me a big hug when I say "HUG!!" You also "lay keppe" when I pick you up from the crib after nap - and I LOVE those special cuddles. One day, you were following Quinn out of the kitchen and leaning towards his back with open arms. I said, "Quinn, I think Knox is trying to give you a hug." So, he turned around and you two hugged each other for a while. I was on the phone with Grandma at the time, and I interrupted our conversation to tell her how my heart was melting right then. Definitely a favorite memory!!

-This month you had your first haircut, too! A trim really, but those locks that once curled up behind your ears are gone. I actually cut the first curl (the famous one that you were born with behind your right ear) and put it in your baby book. Your hair is still so fine and shiny; it was hard to do. But, I think you were sick of it getting in your way, so Ms. Tia came and evened it all out.

-We had 2 Passover seders this month, celebrated Nami's 4th birthday, attended Banner's Kindergarten performance, went to Yesterland Farm (and you skipped an afternoon nap), and we spent a lot of time at Grandma & Papa's when our water heater pipe started spraying water all over the attack and left us with quite a bit of damage in the house.

-You have mastered "fish face." You sign "more" with your hands (by pointing your index finger on your open palm - your own variation of the regular sign). You like to carry around a baby doll from time to time - and you sometimes repeat "Bae" for "baby."  You've discovered that you can squeal and scream at the dinner table - much to your brothers' delight. You can show us where your eyes and nose are, and Grandma has been working with you on putting your hand on your chest to show "love," and "Knox."

-You adore: Yo Gabba Gabba, Froot Loops or Apple Jacks, your pacifiers, Daddy, screens, brushing your teeth, being outside, bubbles, sucking on an apple or pear slice, spilling your bottle everywhere, getting into the dishwasher and the pantry, holding the remote controls, and dancing.

-You got your MMR shot this past week. We skipped it at your 12-month check-up because Mommy's weird like that. But, after a mumps outbreak, we decided to go ahead and get it while in the office for your ear infection recheck instead of waiting until your next check up.

-You've begun to have some separation anxiety when Daddy or I leave - or Grandma or BeeBee. You don't like to say goodbye, but sometimes I think it's really that we won't let you follow the person out the door. You'd rather walk down the sidewalk or into the garage with the person leaving, so it could be that part, too. You used to stop at the threshold and wave and say "bye-bye," but now you gladly walk right over that threshold and start walking the person out. Although you hate to see us leave, you are also easily distracted and easily calmed.

Knox Morgan, I am so in love with your personality. You are one cool little boy! You're so much fun and love to laugh, but you don't give out those laughs for free. That part of you reminds me of Banner. You're pretty serious, but when something tickles or when you find something pretty humorous, you love to laugh and giggle. You like a good game of peek-a-boo, you are enamored with whatever your big brothers are doing, you seem to year for their attention, and you love to just be held.  You are curious - always wanting to see what we are doing, what we're cooking, where we are... and I love that you're my little sidekick (most of the time... making dinner it difficult with you in my arms, but that doesn't mean I love you any less!).

Can't wait to see what this next month brings - and to hear some new words and sounds coming our way!

I love you so much, Baby Love!
Happy 14-Months!

You LOVE spaghetti night!
Ear Infection selfie  

Fish face
Yesterland Farm
Getting a haircut....
See... just a trim
Passover seder night