Wednesday, November 16, 2016

9-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
It's weird to say how I feel this month. But, I'm being honest, and I have to say... it's about time you turned 9 months old! I don't mean that in a "rushing you to grow up" way - because, OH MY GOD I don't want you to stop being my bitty baby! I mean that in a totally different way. Surely, this whole last month you were older than 8 months, right? I mean, you are one of the most mature, advanced, and interactive little guys I've ever known. You just keep getting more and more developed, and it's hard to believe you were only 8 months old when SO many big things happened. Does that make sense? I just feel like 9-months old seems so young, yet you far exceed my expectations. I've learned as a mother I will always seem to rush Banner yet be so impressed with you and Quinn and how quickly you learn things. (Poor Banner. I know. I'm working on it. But lucky for you, I have like zero expectations... yet even if I had some, you'd exceed them.) Anyway, I'm making a mess of this explanation as I simply free write about you this month. I'm sorry. If I had more time to prepare what I am trying to say, I'd get my point across more clearly. But, alas, since you arrived and we have three active little boys, I have no time. So - as Ms. Whitten always says, "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!"

So, what have you been up to this month?

-We just had your well check yesterday, and you are doing great! Dr. B says developmentally, you are scoring between 11 and 12 months old, and some of your milestones are more like 14-month-old kids. See? I told you you are advanced! You are rolling a ball with us, waving, clapping, even saying "buh-buh" for bye-bye and meaning it. You say "muh" when you want more bottle, or you say "bababa" when you want more bottle. You sign "more" when you want more food! You lean toward what you want, or you pull on us to be lifted up. You are trying to communicate with us, and you're doing great! You are cruising your way around the house - around the furniture, the walls, boxes, walking toys, rolling toys... you name it. You've stood on your own for a few seconds here and there, but I wouldn't say you're "standing" just yet. More importantly than any of that, though, is that you are one healthy boy! You got two shots today and a finger prick, and you hated both! But, hugs and a paci helped you calm down right away!

  • Weight: 19 pounds, 15.5 ounces = 50th percentile
  • Height: 29 inches = 75th percentile
  • Head: 44.7 cm = 45th percentile
  • You are one tall boy! You outgrew most of your 9 month clothing long ago. 12-months fit you much better. 
  • Size 4 diapers, 5 overnight
  • Level 3 nipple - we tried to switch to 4s but you spit up so much with those and very little with the 3s
  • Bedtime is around 7:00, and you wake around 6:15ish. Every night is hit or miss on whether you will sleep the entire night through. In any given week, we probably get one or two nights of straight sleep. I like those nights. A lot. We're tired. Please sleep. ;)
-We get to start meats this month. Last night, we started chicken, and you seemed to like it! We started yogurt a few days ago. You liked that, too! You aren't a big fan of baby food right now. You much prefer the carbs that come in the form of Puffs, Cheerios, Mum Mum, pancake bits, bagel bits, and Gerber Wheels. I keep introducing small pieces of fruits and veggies, but you don't seem to like the texture. You'll eat fruits in the little nets you can hold, but I'm personally getting bored with those. I wish you'd eat better - but soon, Little Man. Soon. I know. 

-YOU HAVE TWO TEETH! (I know I wrote a little about this last month when the first one was starting to erupt, but this warrants more attention because...) Oh man, are you a horrible teether! Those were the worst two weeks! TWO WEEKS before we saw them both. And jeez! We have 18 more teeth to go!! I don't know if I can manage that. I may have to move out until you are 2 or so. You did not sleep for those two weeks. So we didn't either. And, oh my GOD did they take forever to come in!! Here's to hoping the next 18 aren't nearly as awful as that! (Who am I kidding? Molars?!)

-This past month, we had your first Sukkot where we had lots of visitors and fun in the sukkah. We celebrated your first Halloween. It was so fun dressing you up - twice! The first part of the day, you and Isaac went to a play date at Skylar's house as girls! :) And, man, you make a pretty little girl! You're welcome - and I'm sorry. Later in the day, you were a part of our family Star Wars theme... as R2D2. You were curious about all the raucous and excitement.

Knox Morgan, you still love to dance, love to be sung to, are more tolerant of car rides, adore your big brothers and want to copy everything they do - including screaming like them!, enjoy swinging, like to hang upside down, are into every cabinet and drawer you can get your hands into, love to be held, have the most gorgeous smile, and light up our lives with those beautiful blue eyes. I know SO soon you will be walking and taking off wherever you want to go! You are delighted by your ability to already move about the house so freely - squealing with joy when you can walk through the house with your little push walker. And, oh my goodness, do I get a kick out of watching your little tush waddle across the floor as those little legs take off as you grin ear to ear! 

My favorite times of day with you are bathing you and then rocking you to sleep each night (but only the FIRST time each night!). We cuddle and relax together in those sweet, quiet moments just the two of us. With each passing month, I know the nearness of those nights ending is getting closer, and that pains me. But, I also can't wait to see you play more with your brothers and watch you become "one of them" a little more. But for now, I embrace this special time with you, Knox. My infant. My baby. My sweet Baby Love. I love you so very, very much!

Happy 9 Months!