Saturday, April 16, 2016

2-Month Newsletter: Knox

Dear Knox,
Today you are 2 months old! The past few weeks have been pretty difficult, I'm not gonna lie. You've been extremely fussy and difficult to read, and while we are trying our best to figure you out and what your cries mean, we are still trying to get into a groove with you. A few things have happened in the past 4 weeks that have made things even harder:

-You were diagnosed with reflux at exactly 5 weeks. We started treating it with Axid, but that didn't help at all. We tried Nexium samples from the doctor because the medicine he wanted to prescribe was not covered by our insurance. But, that didn't work on its own, either. So, we tried changing your formula to Alimentum, which smells disgusting - and apparently tasted that way too, as you would rarely finish a bottle (most feedings, you'd only tolerate it for about 2 ounces). 24-hours later, you were still not eating much at all, then crying like you usually do, but we were so confused not knowing if you were just hungry but refused to eat. Daddy and I made the executive decision to stop the Alimentum and give you Similac Sensitive - which has less lactose in it. Since then, you've been a bit happier, pooping more than once every 3 days like you were on the regular Similac Advance, and not stinking up the place with your awful toots (which looked so painful for you to pass). You're still spitting up, but you are much calmer now.

-You had - and have again! - pink eye. We took Quinn in to the doctor, and while there with Grandma and me, the doctor diagnosed you, too. She also didn't like the way you sounded with your coughing, and when we told her about your previous RSV diagnosis, she prescribed another steroid to give you twice a day in breathing treatments. She told us that this would treat the inflamed, irritated lungs (where as the breathing treatments you had during your hospital stay and shortly after were for helping thin the mucus). Those treatments have really helped you cough less. Prior to that it seemed like you always needed to clear your throat.

-We moved you to your own crib, rather than you sleeping in the Nest between Daddy and me. This makes it harder for us to keep re-pacying you throughout the night, but since I went back to work a few days ago, you needed to be back in your room so I don't wake you when I get up in the morning.

-You still hate your carseat and cry through most every car ride unless you happen to stay/fall asleep or if Banner helps you with your paci. If Banner isn't in the car, forget it - you will scream the whole time.

-You had a short bout with some eczema at 6 weeks old, but we treated it quickly with a steroid ointment for just a couple days and it knocked it out. It was all over your shoulders and upper back.

-You still have a hydrocele on your right testicle. I don't think it causes you pain - at least I've been told it doesn't. However, it looks painful and I can't imagine it's comfortable at all!

-You are now needing a quiet place to rest/nap. The loudness of your brothers makes that difficult, and they always want to be near you - even when I'm trying to put you to sleep. So, getting you down and not pushing you past your limit where you start to get overtired and fussy is rough with those intruders. They even wake you while you are in the swing napping. You and I BOTH are trying to be patient with them, but that's a big chore when it comes to keeping them quiet!

So, it's been a little rough and hectic, but we are heading in the right direction with you feeling a little less gassy and pooping more often now. I think since your tummy is less painful with the formula (and maybe with the Nexium we are still experimenting with), you are feeling better and are able to start having a more predictable routine and we can start understanding what you might be wanting/needing when you're upset. Some of the fun things this month:

-You're cooing. I LOVE this! We are having little conversations here and there, and I love hearing your sweet voice!

-You are smiling all the time - with beautiful dimples - one more prominent on your left side (the one we noticed immediately after your birth while you were on my chest in the OR).

-You love the swing and will nap there on occasion. You will also nap in your crib now, which is great! You like your sleep sack too! (And, we are naughty and nap you on your belly.)

-You also like the Nap Nanny and the bouncer.

-You still love to be held - mostly upright and looking over our shoulder.

-You open your hands more and more. I love your tiny, delicate fingers and itty bitty touch of your hand.

-You like to be outside, which helps when we are at Banner & Quinn's swim lessons that take an hour of our day. You have done great waiting patiently for them to finish each lesson.

-You drink about 4-5 ounces of formula every 3 hours during the day, and at night, you will go about 4 hours. Last night, though, you slept 6 hours! :) YAHOO! I've been waiting for those long stretches! (You also took 6 ounces right before that big stretch!)

-You love the Maya Wrap still and will sleep on me when I wear you in it.

-I heard the closest thing to a laugh this morning!! It's coming SO SOON!

-You're batting at objects and enjoying "playing" this month.

-Weight: 11 pounds, 10 ounces = 45th percentile
-Height: 23 5/8 inches = 75th percentile
-Head: 39.1 cm = 50th percentile

-Bath time starts around 6:45/7:00pm
-Size 1 diapers
-Size 0-3 and 3-month clothing
-Level 1 nipple

When you were 6 weeks old, that was for sure the worst fussy period. You would cry and cry and take forever to let yourself fall asleep. I was frustrated. I still am a lot of the time when I don't know what is making you so upset. But, more and more you are becoming calm - learning certain signals, like that a bottle is on its way when a bib goes on you so you can quiet down knowing what you want is immanent. I feel like we are just now starting to really get to know you and your cues, and I hate that I'm now back at work right when you and I were getting into the swing of things. (Grandma keeps you while I am at work in the mornings, and there isn't any other person on this earth that I'd want to take care of you. I have a feeling you two will become best buds just like she is with all her other grandkids. I am so grateful that you will have that time with her!)

As we get past these initial cranky periods, I am so looking forward to getting to know you better. I'm hoping the worst is behind us and we can move in to the next several weeks and months with improved eating and sleeping - and health! I want to figure you out. I want to know every little thing about you - and what you want and need. You often get "antsy" right before you fall asleep. You have that last bit of energy that needs to get out - and you do it through crying and clawing rapidly with your fingers. Just like you sometimes seem to panic when you get hungry, you seem to "panic" when you aren't able to just let yourself fall asleep. I hope I can help you calm down and stop the anxiety that you seem to have, but sweet Baby Love, you come by it so naturally.

Knox Morgan, you are quite the trooper with everything you've been through and been to. You sit through soccer games and swim lessons, what must be boring events with excited big brothers at events like Day Out with Thomas or Banner's school Purim play, and car rides to drop off and pick up brothers at school. You get poked and prodded by brothers and cousins who want so desperately to interact with you, and the only thing they really share with you at this point is their germs - again and again! I can't wait until you can really laugh with them and play with them. But, I also love you this little. Your little feet that can still both fit perfectly into the palm of my hand; your fingers that cling to mine with such strength and love; your itty bitty coos of sweetness; your tiny body scrunched up into the tub during our most favorite time of day when you are so enjoying the warm water and the time with just me; your wide-eyed look of curiosity about the world. As the weight of your body sinks into my chest at night in the glider, I just love feeling your tiny body curled up on me as you relax. I love rubbing your back and just having quiet moments in your room with you. I want to bottle them up, because this time is flying and I know how much faster it's about to go!

I love you so very much, Baby Love!
Happy 2 Months!

Awesome head control! :)

Randi captured this at Havdallah one morning with the big boys. That's you in my Maya Wrap.

Banner did this to you when I was putting Quinn down for his nap
one of my favorites from this month
Breathing treatments